William Henry Bragg and The University of Adelaide
- ‘On the absorption of alpha rays and on the classification of alpha rays from radium,’ Philosophical Magazine 8 (1904), 719–725.
- Studies in Radioactivity. 1912
- Nature’s architecture: Being the Earl Grey Memorial Lecture delivered in the King’s Hall, Armstrong College, on the 4th February, 1922
- The world of sound. 1920. Six lectures delivered before a Juvenile Auditory at the Royal Institution, Christmas, 1919
- The crystalline state – The Romanes Lecture for 1925. Oxford, 1925
- Concerning the nature of things; six lectures delivered at the Royal institution.1925. The atoms of which things are made; The nature of gases; The nature of liquids; The nature of crystals: diamond; The nature of crystals: ice and snow; The nature of crystals: metals
- Old Trades and New Knowledge.1926
- An introduction to crystal analysis. 1928
- The universe of light. 1933