I definitely won’t kill you (probably)

Setting himself a target of writing 10,000 songs in 10,000 days, alum Andrew Gardner hoped to challenge himself and hone his already significant musical skills.
Now, nearing 6,000 songs completed, he is always on the hunt for new material and fresh ways to entertain his own mind.
Lately, the subject of artificial intelligence and its uses has intrigued, and worried, him.
So, naturally, he wrote a song about it.
More than one in fact.
This one, which you can view here, has a delightful avatar reassuring us we are safe, and there is nothing to fear.
“It started with a conversation between me and AI where it spent a lot of time reassuring me it wasn’t going to harm the humans,” he says. “It reassured me so many times, it became a bit creepy. And that’s the basis for this song.”
The song was written by Andrew as a “collage” of 20 or so songs written by AI, and is illustrated with a video he created, also using various AI tools.
Andrew Gardner graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1992 with a BA in politics and philosophy.