Event from the University of Adelaide

The High Court of Australia and the First World War

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Wednesday, 29 April 2015, 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Lecture Theatre G04 (ground level), Napier Building, University of Adelaide

The South Australian Chapter of the Australian Association of Constitutional Law in conjunction with the University of Adelaide's Public Law and Policy Research Unit are hosting this event.

Presented by Professor John Williams - Dean of Law, University of Adelaide. Chaired by the Honourable Kevin Duggan AM QC.

The First World War was a defining moment in the history of Australia and also in the lives of those who were affected, both at home and at the front. The High Court of Australia adjudicated on many critical moments in the prosecution of the war. Individual judges, like other parents, dealt with the tragedy and loss of that terrible conflict.

Please RSVP by 22 April 2015 to Sarah Mitchell: mitchell.sarah@agd.sa.gov.au [1]

Australian Association of Constitutional Law, Email: mitchell.sarah@agd.sa.gov.au [2]

[0] https://www.adelaide.edu.au/news/events/event31201.html
[1] mailto:mitchell.sarah@agd.sa.gov.au
[2] mailto:mitchell.sarah@agd.sa.gov.au