Reliable renewable energy is possible with The Solar River Project

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Solar panels

A company based at the University of Adelaide’s ThincLab has been given the go ahead to proceed with one of the world’s largest solar power projects.

The Solar River Project aims to supply 90,000 South Australian homes with affordable, reliable, solar energy.

Construction on the solar array is due to start in early 2019 at a site near Robertstown in South Australia’s Mid North, halfway between Burra and Morgan. The Solar River Project has received Development Approval from the Minister for Planning.

The 200-megawatt array will include more than 3kms of solar cells connected to one of the largest batteries in the Southern Hemisphere a 120 megawatt hour battery.

The project has the support of the South Australian Government and the Ngadjuri Nation Aboriginal Corporation.

The Solar River Project CEO Mr Jason May said, “The Solar River Project is a 100% privately funded development which will create over 350 regional jobs in South Australia.

“A Mid North Regional Community Fund and the Ngadjuri Nation Aboriginal Corporation Heritage Agreement has been established for, community, employment, education, sport and arts programs over the next 25 years.

“A nature reserve will also be established near the site for research and flora, fauna protection programs.”

Other project partners include Frazer-Nash Consultancy, Blackwood Heritage Consulting, Nature Foundation SA and Kleinfelder Australia.

The Solar River Project is a fast-moving South Australian company based at the University of Adelaide’s new venture incubator, ThincLab.

Professor Mike Brooks, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Adelaide, said: “We can only marvel at the imagination and drive of The Solar River Project team. At the University of Adelaide, we have been delighted to host and support the company at our ThincLab innovation hub.”

Stage 1 of the project will see the first electricity generated in late 2019.

For further updates:


Contact details

Jason May
CEO, The Solar River Project

Mr David Ellis
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762