Uni's bright sparks to inspire at Adelaide Festival of Ideas
Friday, 6 July 2018
Bright minds, including staff from the University of Adelaide, will share their expertise on a range of on trend topics at this year’s Adelaide Festival of Ideas from 12–15 July in the city’s West End.
The University of Adelaide has been a supporter of the festival since it began in 1999 and this year is a major sponsor.
The University of Adelaide staff and alumni will play a starring role in the line-up of guest speakers and a number of events will be hosted on University grounds.
Experts in their field from across the University’s faculties will lead and contribute to thought-provoking discussion on topics including: autonomous vehicles, immigration’s impact on housing affordability, parent guilt – whether it makes us better parents, big data’s influence on health, and the impact of traumatic stress in modern society.
This year’s Graeme Hugo Memorial Lecture: Does migration drive up house prices?, will be presented by the University’s Chris Leishman, Director of the Hugo Centre for Migration and Population Research at the University of Adelaide, on Saturday 14 July at Adelaide Health and Medical and Sciences building (AHMS).
Other speakers from the University include:
• Dr Zygmunt L Szpak (Senior research fellow, Australian Institute for Machine Learning) who is part of a panel discussing Can big data help you age well? on Saturday 14 July at SAHMRI.
• Dr Fiona Kerr (Industry professor, neural and systems complexity) presenting The best of both worlds on Saturday 14 July at AHMS, Joe Verco lecture theatre.
• Professor Ghil’ad Zuckermann (Chair of linguistics and endangered languages) presenting Should we reclaim dead languages on Sunday 15 July at the Allan Scott Auditorium, UniSA.
• Professor Stephen Muecke (Jury chair of English language and literature) presenting The art of paying attention on Saturday 14 July at the Allan Scott Auditorium, UniSA.
• Professor Jon Jureidini (Child psychiatrist, Robinson Research Institute) who is part of a panel discussing Parent guilt on Sunday 15 July at AHMS.
• Associate Professor Nick Falkner (Foundation Director, University of Adelaide’s Australian Smart City Consortium) who is part of a panel discussing Autonomous vehicles on Sunday 15 July at the Bradley Forum, UniSA.
• Professor Alexander McFarlane AO (Director, Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies) presenting Understanding the impact of traumatic stress in modern society on Sunday 15 July at AHMS.
• Dr Amy Milka (Researcher, ARC Centre for the History of Emotions) who is part of a panel discussing Are animals people or possessions? on Sunday 15 July 2018 at AHMS.
The University will also host the Edward Said Memorial Lecture: Anti-blackness, settler-colonialism and the question of Palestine presented by Assistant Professor Noura Erakat, George Mason University, Virginia, USA on Saturday 14 July at the Adelaide Town Hall.
For more information and event times visit: adelaidefestivalofideas.com.au
Contact details
Email: crispin.savage@adelaide.edu.au
Website: https://www.adelaide.edu.au/
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University of Adelaide
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