University of Adelaide sees bright future with new strategic plan
Monday, 4 March 2019
The University of Adelaide's new strategic plan will see the University charging itself with the role of "future maker" for the State.
Announced today, the new plan, Future Making, will shape the trajectory of the University through to its 150th year (in 2024) and beyond.
"Future Making challenges our University to realise its potential for the State and to claim our place as the truly global 21st century university for South Australia," says Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Rathjen.
"Under our new strategic direction, we will see the University of Adelaide move from being a commentator on society to becoming an active participant in society. We will help to connect South Australia to the world and the world to South Australia.
"We will grow and diversify our student cohort, with greater access and equity – including more scholarships that support students from a broader range of backgrounds. We will also see more diversity in our academic programs and modes of delivery, tailored to those who are already in the workforce as well as school leavers, and a stronger online education presence," he says.
"We will pursue aggressive growth in research income and expenditure, aligning ourselves with industry and community need. We will adopt five Industry Engagement Priorities to ensure our world-class expertise is helping to meet the future social, economic and technological development needs of our State and the nation.
"Our University will be more locally connected as well as globally connected. We will become a cultural and thought leader for the community of Adelaide, enriching our campus experience with an annual social and artistic calendar of events, and inviting thousands of new visitors to enjoy our beautiful spaces," Professor Rathjen says.
Future Making contains Five Pillars to Excellence that define the University's strategic direction:
• Connected to the Global World of Ideas
• A Magnet for Talent
• Research that Shapes the Future
• A 21st Century Education for a Growing Community of Learners
• The Beating Heart of Adelaide.
More than 1000 staff have had input into the University's new Strategic Plan, and thousands of students have been consulted across separate streams of curriculum and research programs. Members of alumni, industry and government also have been involved in consultation.
"Future Making aligns the University's global connectivity, world-class research and education, and our development of human potential, with the social, intellectual and economic needs of young people. This will ensure a bright future for our University, our community and the State," Professor Rathjen says.
The new strategic plan, Future Making, is available now on the University's website.
About the University of Adelaide
Founded in 1874, the University of Adelaide is the third oldest university in Australia and one of only four founded before Federation. A member of Australia's prestigious Group of Eight (Go8) universities, Adelaide has more than 27,000 students and 3,800 staff, and is associated with five Nobel Prize Winners.
Economic impact
The University of Adelaide has an annual revenue of $947 million. According to a London Economics report commissioned by the Go8, the University of Adelaide has a total economic impact on South Australia of more than $4.23 billion annually. The University's economic impact supports 9,830 jobs in South Australia – 2.6 jobs from each job at the University.
Contact details
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External Relations
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
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