Architecture students target Mid North towns

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Local towns in the Mid North of South Australia will be presented with a fresh look at their planning and design potential thanks to Landscape Architecture students from the University of Adelaide.

The students will this month visit five towns - Port Pirie, Laura, Gladstone, Snowtown, and South Australia's largest private town, Fisherman Bay - in a bid to assess the opportunities available to each town.

The site visits will begin on Tuesday 18 March, with local celebrations to welcome students and staff from the University's School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, and will finish on Thursday 20 March.

The students will then work on a comprehensive evaluation of each town's landscape, architecture and planning potential, with a strong emphasis on sustainability and helping to enhance a sense of community.

"This program is now in its 10th year and has become an important part of our studies," says the Director of the Landscape Architecture Program, Associate Professor David Jones.

"The fact that the program has been running for 10 years - and has been earning a good reputation wherever the students go - helps to demonstrate the kind of impact this has on local townships and people.

"We're very privileged to be able to come to the Mid North and visit some fascinating and historic South Australian towns in this important year for our program."

Associate Professor Jones says that as an education and community outreach exercise, the program has been highly successful on a number of fronts.

"It gives students an opportunity to learn from and engage with local communities, and provides them with a practical education that has positive outcomes for the local area," he says.

"Our previous experience shows that rural and regional South Australia is full of fascinating people who want to make things happen.

"When the students come in, they bring with them fresh ideas, new insights, and help to challenge the current thinking, but they do it in a way that has the community's best interests at heart.

"Community consultation is an important part of the process, and we would urge members of the community to get involved and to speak to the students about aspects of their town that are worth highlighting."


Contact details

Associate Professor David Jones
Director, Landscape Architecture Program
School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 4589
Mobile: 0414 668 567

Mr David Ellis
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762