Sexual performance may hold key to men's health

Friday, 7 March 2008

The Australian male pride in sexual performance may help the fight against increasing obesity.

This will be one of the messages from internationally regarded expert on obesity, men's health and ageing Professor Gary Wittert at the University of Adelaide's free Research Tuesday Public Seminar Series on Tuesday 11 March.

"It's becoming well known that there are high levels of obesity in Australian men and that this has significant consequences for chronic diseases, both physical and psychological," Professor Wittert says.

"What is less well known is that not only blood vessels to the heart are affected by obesity but similar effects occur with the blood vessels to the penis with resulting erectile dysfunction and poor urinary tract function.

"Australian men care about erection problems, perhaps more so than possible cardiovascular disease. This may present an opportunity to improve communication about the benefits of weight loss."

Professor Wittert said men tended not to mention erectile dysfunction to their doctors and were not good at volunteering health information generally. But health practitioners could be trained to elicit important information in a gender specific way.

Professor Wittert will be presenting research findings from the Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study and other research in his Research Tuesday talk, "Implications for Ageing Men: obesity, physical, psychological and sexual well-being".

Professor Wittert is Mortlock Professor of Medicine and Head of the School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide. He is also Senior Consultant Endocrinologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, a member of the Hanson Research Institute and founding member of the Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men's Health.

Held on the second Tuesday of every month, Research Tuesday gives leading experts from the University of Adelaide an opportunity to engage with business, community leaders and the general public on issues that impact on them.

WHAT: "Implications for Ageing Men: obesity, physical, psychological and sexual well-being"

WHERE: Bonython Hall, North Terrace Campus, University of Adelaide

WHEN: 5.30pm Tuesday 11 March

COST: Free. Please book by email: or phone: (08) 8303 3692


Contact details

Professor Gary Wittert
Head of Discipline of Medicine, Medical Specialties
The University of Adelaide
Mobile: 0409 411 789

Media Team
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 0814