Year 11s and 12s to attend classes at University Campus
Wednesday, 15 August 2001
Year 11 and 12 students will attend classes at Adelaide University's North Terrace campus from next year in an initiative aimed at providing low-fee education to students who aspire to University study.
The University has signed a joint venture agreement with Adelaide-based Bradford Education Pty to establish a new senior secondary school, University Senior College, at the campus. The new College will enrol Year 11 and 12 students - both local and international - and help to prepare them for the transition to tertiary education. As well as attending classes in tutorial rooms, students will be taught in some University lecture theatres and will have access to the Barr Smith Library, science laboratories and other University facilities.
Adelaide University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) and Provost, Professor Penny Boumelha, said that low fees would make the College accessible to a wide group of academically-oriented students.
"This initiative is about breaking down the often artificial barriers between secondary and tertiary education," Professor Boumelha said. "University Senior College will give students a head start by offering them the opportunity to combine Year 12 and first-year University subjects. However, there will be no special admission considerations for students wanting to go on to study at the University. All students of University Senior College will be required to meet the same University entry criteria as everyone else."
Professor Boumelha said Adelaide University valued its long-established and positive relationships with the secondary sector in South Australia and intended to continue developing them.
The Principal of University Senior College, Ms Jane Danvers, said that Year 12 students were often undecided about their future. By mixing with Faculty members and students at Adelaide University they would be in a much better position to make informed decisions about their future careers. Students with clear goals found self-motivation easier, she said.
Ms Danvers said that University Senior College aimed to enrol 200 local and 50 international students in its first year. The target was to increase this to 400 local and 200 international students within two years. Ms Danvers said that no University staff would be involved in teaching at the new College.
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The University of Adelaide
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Mr David Ellis
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The University of Adelaide
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