World's biggest DNA molecule a reason to party
Wednesday, 15 August 2001
This Sunday, Adelaide University will attempt to build what is believed to be the largest DNA model in the world at the Sciences Street Party, to be held as part of Adelaide University's Open Day.
The Sciences Street Party will be held from 10.00am until 4.00pm, Sunday 19th August, on the north-east corner of the North Terrace Campus, with the closest entry being from Frome Rd. Entry is free, and there are many activities for people of all ages.
Apart from the giant DNA molecule, which visitors will help to build from balloons, there will be a huge range of interesting activities. The Science Street Party has been 'weatherproofed,' as most of the activities will be in marquees or inside, and visitors can follow a pathway from one attraction to another.
Some of the attractions are:
Environmental Biology: field equipment display; pat a snake; hold a dragon; water stress a plant; Short talks on carnivorous plants, arid land ecology and more; collect seeds; take home a Golden Wattle plant. Where? Western Marquee, Benham Building, Benham Lecture Theatre.
Images from Space: Computers and satellites; mapping fire scars and risk, mapping urban change, salinity mapping, salinity and national parks. Wetlands and water pollution mapping, Land use and Land cover, Monitoring crop condition, rangelands grazing and soil. Where? Benham Lecture Theatre.
Roseworthy Python: Hold a python; discover the great places around the state that we take our students to for field camps; field equipment including live capture traps. Where? Western Marquee. Horticulture, Viticulture and Oenology: Olive oil and wine tasting. Where? Western Marquee.
Chemistry: Chemistry display; how fruit can light up your life; magic show on colours; make slime; name that smell. Where? Western Marquee.
Physiology: Science in your own body; measure your lung volume, the energy you need to ride a bike; compare yourself to an athlete; ride our "tilt-table"; hear how your heart work. Where? Central Marquee.
Double Helix: Double Helix Science Club, magazine; chemistry demonstrations. Where? Central Marquee.
Soil and Water: microscopic life; soil conservation and management; hands on experiments; test the effects of wind erosion. Where? Central Marquee.
Centre for Subatomic Structure of Matter: supercomputer animations; browse "Cool Links to Hot Topics in Physics"; free souvenir; collect your stamp on the Adelaide Science Discovery Trail! Where? Eastern Marquee, Computer Suite, Mawson Building.
Physics and Mathematical Physics: Kelvin water dropper; large electrical voltages; see through eyes of infra-red; water rocket. Where? Eastern Marquee.
Geology and Geophysics: minerals and fossils display; the coal seam beneath Adelaide University; short talk on volcanoes, the Himalayas, dinosaurs or environmental geology; paint your own fossil cast; play Geoquest. Where? Eastern Marquee,Tate Museum, Mawson Lecture Theatre; Geology Building.
Molecular Biosciences: help construct a model of a gene; teaching laboratories; embryo development; infectious diseases; see microbes Where? Eastern Marquee, Molecular Biosciences Building.
There will be many filming and photo opportunities at the Sciences Street Party. For prior filming and photos, or for additional details, contact:
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The University of Adelaide
Adelaide University
Business: +61 8 8313 6129
Mr David Ellis
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
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The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
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