Achieving global cooperation on climate change

Monday, 26 May 2008

International cooperation is essential if the world is to find solutions for climate change. This will be the topic of the Climate 2030 free public seminar at the University of Adelaide tomorrow, Tuesday 27 May.

"No country on its own is going to solve climate change," says seminar convenor Professor Christopher Findlay, Head of the University's School of Economics. "During this seminar we are going to be discussing the ways some approaches to international cooperation might actually work and other ways that will not."

There will be two speakers at the seminar. Professor Findlay will set the scene with 'The argument for international cooperation: an economist's perspective'.

Former Head of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics Dr Brian Fisher will then talk about potential institutional arrangements to promote international cooperation on climate change.

Dr Fisher is one of Australia's most respected advisers on climate change, emissions trading and the economic impact of current and future climate and energy policies and has been a leading figure in the debate on climate change and its impact on the Australian economy.

The Climate 2030 seminar series is hosted by the University's Research Institute for Climate Change and Sustainability. The series is addressing a range of issues relating to climate change and its impact on people, the environment, health, agriculture and the law.

What: Climate 2030: International Economic Cooperation
When: 5-7pm, Tuesday 27 May
Where: Napier Building, room G04, North Terrace Campus, University of Adelaide University, Australia
Cost: Free, all welcome


Contact details

Professor Christopher Findlay
Executive Dean
Faculty of the Professions
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 3986

Media Team
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 0814