Wine industry looks to secure its future for 2030

The Wine 2030 Conference will be held at the National Wine Centre on Monday 29 September.
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Friday, 26 September 2008
Wine industry representatives and researchers are gathering in Adelaide next week to discuss ways of ensuring the industry's continued competitiveness in the face of the challenges of climate change, water constraints and global market developments.
To be held by the University of Adelaide's Australian Wine 2030 Research Network, the Wine 2030 Conference will be held at the National Wine Centre on Monday 29 September.
Wine 2030 leader Professor Christopher Findlay says the conference group will consider the challenges of the future and the technologies needed to transform the wine industry to ensure its continued viability.
"To maintain our competitive advantage, the Australian wine industry must remain at the forefront of technological innovation," says Professor Findlay, who is Head of the University's School of Economics.
"As well as investing in incremental improvements in technology and management, the industry must also investigate the potential of technology to transform the way it operates in order to fundamentally change the economics of wine production and sale."
The University of Adelaide established its Australian Wine 2030 research network last year with $1.25 million funding over five years to tackle the key challenges facing the industry to 2030, including climate change, changes in water policy, and shifts in supply and demand.
The Australian Wine 2030 network draws together different expertise from across the University in science, economics modelling and business analysis.
The network is a coalition of research groups pursuing a linked series of research projects alongside a series of education innovations.
"The University of Adelaide is a world leader in wine research and education. With this initiative we will be able to build capacity and draw on new strengths to more effectively respond to industry needs that will become more acute over the next years," says Professor Findlay.
The Conference starts at 9am on Monday 29 September at the National Wine Centre.
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