Adelaide wins $22 million for medical breakthroughs

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Thursday, 16 October 2008

More than $22 million in federal funding has been awarded to the University of Adelaide for new research that aims to improve our understanding and treatment of major health problems in the community.

University of Adelaide staff and affiliates have today been awarded funding for 46 new research projects starting next year. These include research into cancer, obesity, transplants, wound healing, genetic disease, reproduction, diabetes, oral health, asthma, stroke, drugs, heart disease, and early child development.

The funding - from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) - is 68% of the total NHMRC funding announced today for research institutions in the State. It brings the total of new research funding won by the University of Adelaide this week to $34.6 million.

"This is an outstanding result for the University of Adelaide and its research affiliates, and for the State," says the University's Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor James McWha.

"Today's announcement will launch dozens of new research projects that have the potential to make the greatest impact on our lives - by helping to save and prolong lives, and improve the quality of life.

"The funding feeds directly into key areas of science and health science for which the University of Adelaide and our research partners are world renowned. These include the impact of fetal development on child and adult health, reproductive health, cardiology, pharmacology and genetic disease, to name just a few."

The new research funding announced today includes:

  • $1.67 million to a team led by Professor Caroline Crowther (Obstetrics & Gynaecology/Women's and Children's Hospital) to determine which type of antenatal steroid given prior to preterm birth is better for optimising child health at two years of age;
  • $1 million to a team led by Associate Professor Robert Fitridge (Surgery/Queen Elizabeth Hospital) to evaluate a decision-making model for endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR);
  • $267,000 to a team led by Dr Peter Coyle (Molecular & Biomedical Science/IMVS) to study the impact of alcohol exposure on zinc deficiency in the fetus, which is a major cause of cognitive problems in children;
  • $714,000 to a team led by Associate Professor Christine Feinle-Bisset (Medicine/Royal Adelaide Hospital) to investigate lauric acid, a potential nutrient-based appetite suppressant;
  • $704,428 to a team led by Professor Konrad Jamrozik (Population Health & Clinical Practice) to study the incidence and outcome of stroke in rural South Australia.

"These and many other research projects funded today aim to play a major role in helping the community to realise a better future, and we are pleased to be able to make such a significant contribution to society through our research," Professor McWha says.


Contact details

Mr David Ellis
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762