Roseworthy Farm is in safe hands

Friday, 10 December 2004

The University of Adelaide is proposing to manage the broadacre farming and dairy operations of the Roseworthy Farm through its farming company Martindale Holdings Pty Ltd from February 2005.

A professional and competent farming operation, Martindale Holdings already manages four farms on behalf of the University at Martindale, Spalding, Hawker and Glenthorne.

The proposed arrangements result from an independent review last year of Roseworthy Farm that recommended Martindale be asked to takeover as Farm manager.

"The Roseworthy Farm is crucial to our teaching and will be focusing its efforts on combining and integrating resources with campus partners and rural industries to develop the campus as the hub of information transfer, communication, learning and new technologies for the rural community," Professor James McWha, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Adelaide said today.

To this end, the University has committed an additional $250,000 in 2005 to improve fencing and other infrastructure and equipment at the farm.

Professor McWha said a recently released proposal by the University's Farming subsidiary Martindale Holdings Pty Ltd had been approved in principle and distributed to staff for their feedback. Martindale Holdings worked closely with Farm staff to develop the proposal.

The proposal is currently with farm staff, who have until 16 December to comment.

The key elements of the proposal are:

- The cropping, sheep and dairy enterprises will be operated using Martindale staff, effective from February 2005.
- The piggery and feedmill to remain in the University under the current arrangements with the Pig and Poultry Production Institute (PPPI).
- The farm liaison role to remain with the University.
- Student on-farm training and work experience will continue and expand, with greater opportunities available on the Roseworthy Farm and on other properties now managed by Martindale Holdings.

"I want to stress that under these arrangements, the Farm will still be key to our academic enterprises," Professor McWha said.

Roseworthy Campus is an internationally renowned centre for excellence in dryland agriculture and animal production. Campus partners include Technical and Further Education (TAFE) SA - Murray Institute, Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (PIRSA) and the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI).
Roseworthy is also the location for collaborative centres such as the Livestock Systems Alliance, Pig and Poultry Production Institute, Sheep Industries Development Centre and Roseworthy Information Centre.


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