Young is Swinburne's new Vice-Chancellor

Professor Ian R. Young

Professor Ian R. Young
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Tuesday, 29 April 2003

The University of Adelaide's Professor Ian Young has been appointed Swinburne University of Technology's second Vice-Chancellor. He will succeed Professor Iain Wallace when he retires at the end of the year.

Professor Young is the University of Adelaide's Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences.

In making the announcement, Swinburne Chancellor and Chair of the Search Committee, Dr Douglas Mitchell, said it is a credit to Swinburne that someone of Professor Young's calibre has taken up the appointment.

"Professor Young has an impressive record of high-level achievement as a leader, strategic planner and manager and is one of Australia's top researchers," Dr Mitchell said.

In congratulating Professor Young, University of Adelaide Vice-Chancellor Professor James McWha thanked him for his numerous contributions, including pioneering the development of entrepreneurship as an educational area and leading a major expansion of the University's activities offshore into Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China.

"I am truly pleased and wish him well in his new venture. Although I am extremely sorry to lose him, this appointment reflects well on the quality of our staff at the University," Professor McWha said.

Professor Young said he is looking forward to the appointment and to working with the many excellent and committed staff at Swinburne to further develop the university's mission.

"This will also be a wonderful opportunity to lead Swinburne into the changing face of Higher Education," he said.

Professor Young was appointed Executive Dean in January 1999 and Pro Vice-Chancellor in May 2001.


Contact details

Professor Ian Young
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 4700
Mobile: 0414 882 066

Media Team
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 0814