Flinders-Baudin Research Centre opens today
Thursday, 26 February 2004
The University of Adelaide today officially opened The Flinders- Baudin Research Centre in Flinders Chase on Kangaroo Island.
The new field station will allow for further research that adds to the current knowledge of the flora and fauna, as well as investigating fire and water resource management, other threatening processes and restoration ecology.
"The Centre is a working legacy that builds on the early scientific contributions of Flinders and Baudin. It will promote science, stimulate a new wave of research and facilitate field-based environmental teaching programs," says Associate Professor David Paton of the University's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.
He added that the research that will be done in the future will be as diverse as the research that has been accomplished in the past, but the focus may be different.
"Kangaroo Island is a rather unique environment not just within a South Australian context, but also in a national perspective.
"The island is well clothed in native vegetation with 47 per cent of the original cover remaining, much of which is protected within reserves managed by the Department of Environment and Heritage," says Associate Professor Paton.
The development of the Centre has been a collaborative effort between the University of Adelaide and the State Government's Department of Environment and Heritage. Both have shared the vision of maintaining a research presence within Flinders Chase.
Anticipated users of the Centre include:
- University scientists, CSIRO, Museums and Government Departments;
- Tertiary students doing short field-based courses and research;
- Secondary and primary school teachers and their students;
- Community groups, e.g. meetings, workshops, field days, volunteer training;
- Emergency services, e.g. rescue facilities in an emergency.
The Centre is situated near the entrance to Flinders Chase National Park, about 80m east of the new Visitors Centre at Rocky River.
It includes:
- A modern field laboratory;
- A lecture hall/meeting room/dining room;
- A kitchen;
- Accommodation for 20 people.
The Centre is self-sustaining with users paying bench fees and hire charges to cover utility and maintenance costs. The University of Adelaide manages the daily operation of the facility.
Contact details
Email: david.paton@adelaide.edu.au
Discipline of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
The University of Adelaide
Business: + 61 8 8313 4742
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Email: media@adelaide.edu.au
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The University of Adelaide
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