Uni offers free health checks for men at work
Monday, 4 November 2013
Researchers at the University of Adelaide are calling for South Australian businesses with a large male workforce to sign up for free health checks, as part of a major national study that aims to prevent diabetes in men aged 50 and over.
The University of Adelaide is leading the study, which is investigating whether testosterone supplements will be effective in helping men to lose weight and prevent diabetes.
As many as 25,000 overweight or obese men aged 50 and over are being sought for the study in Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney - but researchers first need to determine if the men have "pre-diabetes".
"To conduct this study and reach as many men as possible, we are offering a free workplace health screening to South Australian businesses with a large male workforce," says the leader of the study, Professor Gary Wittert, Director of the Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men's Health at the University of Adelaide.
"Corporate health initiatives are now a well-accepted approach to optimising businesses' most valuable asset, their workforce.
"More than a quarter of Australia's workforce is now aged 50 years or older and we know that for men, this is the most vulnerable time for the onset of lifestyle-induced chronic health conditions, the complications of which can have a major impact on time off work and thus productivity," Professor Wittert says.
"Type 2 diabetes is one of the most prevalent conditions in males over 50 years of age. Many men may be pre-diabetic and not be aware of it, and yet this pre-diabetic stage provides an important opportunity for intervention to prevent full diabetes from developing."
Professor Wittert says the free health checks will have a range of benefits.
"This will not only provide employees with a health consultation, without considerable time off work, but will also give them a chance to act on their health, which they otherwise may not have done. For businesses, there is a competitive advantage as a more 'health aware' workforce is a more productive workforce," Professor Wittert says.
Businesses interested in participating in the free health check-ups for men should contact Dr Susan Shanley on 0466 904 661 or email: susan.shanley@adelaide.edu.au
The T4DM (Testosterone 4 the prevention of Diabetes Mellitus) study is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). For more information about the study, please visit: www.t4dm.org.au
A public information session about the study will be held in Adelaide at 1.00pm Thursday 7 November. More information.
Contact Details
Email: gary.wittert@adelaide.edu.au
Head of Discipline of Medicine, Medical Specialties
The University of Adelaide
Mobile: 0409 411 789
Mr David Ellis
Email: david.ellis@adelaide.edu.au
Website: https://www.adelaide.edu.au/newsroom/
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