Research Quality Framework (RQF) Preferred Model Announced

Monday, 17 October 2005

On 9 September Dr Brendan Nelson, Minister for Education, Science and Training released the Research Quality Framework: Assessing the quality and impact of research in Australia - The Preferred Model. The paper presents the features of research assessment which will underpin the Australian Research Quality Framework (RQF). The aim of the RQF initiative is to develop the basis for an improved assessment of the quality and impact of publicly funded research.

The Australian Government has announced that the RQF will provide the basis for "redistributing research funding to ensure that areas of the highest quality of research are rewarded." This will involve all of the Institutional Grants Scheme (IGS) and at least fifty per cent of the Research Training Scheme (RTS). In addition, in the Foreward to the paper Minister Nelson announced that the Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) "will conduct a process, with the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Research Council, to develop the way in which the outcomes of the RQF will impact on the funding distributed by the research councils." However, no specific details of the nature of this impact on research council funding is given in the paper.

Features of the preferred model include:

  • Individual researchers will be nominated by universities as members of a "research grouping";

  • Universities will provide evidence portfolios of individual's outputs - the 4 "best" works per individual; and

  • Twelve discipline-based Assessment Panels of 12-15 members each, including research users and discipline peers. At least 50% of the panels will be international experts.
  • More information can be found at: Research Quality Framework (RQF) Preferred Model


Contact Details

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
The University of Adelaide
Mitchell Building
Adelaide SA 5005
Business: +618 8313 3278