Internet site to ease the isolation of grief
Wednesday, 10 November 1999
A new Web site launched today will help ease the isolation of grieving people and provide practical advice and contacts for people in grief.
The site - GriefLink - was launched by the Minister for Human Services, Dean Brown, at Ngapartji Multimedia Centre.
The Web site is a project of the National Association for Loss and Grief. It was developed by Adelaide University's Department of General Practice and funded by the Government of South Australia through the Department of Human Services.
Dr Sheila Clark, Senior Lecturer in the Department of General Practice, said research had found grief to be associated with decreased immunity, a greater risk of depression and anxiety, and a contributing factor in family breakdown.
"The risk of these adverse affects is increased by lack of support, however adequate support is protective against them," she said.
"GriefLink is a self-help initiative which can provide informational support as well as link individuals to appropriate sources of emotional and practical support and counselling."
GriefLink is aimed at bereaved individuals and families, friends and carers of the bereaved, bereavement support groups, health and welfare professionals and educational institutions.
GriefLink provides information about different death-related grief topics such as the death of a child, cancer and illness-related death, the death of a parent, miscarriage and organ donation, to name a few.
The site also provides information and contact details for bereavement and support services in South Australia.
GriefLink's Web address is:
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