Healthy Development Adelaide forum

Living below the poverty line.

Poverty is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. It’s so much more as families and children struggle to meet basic needs and access to healthcare, education and safety. Our speakers will present around issues of financial inclusion, food insecurity, service organisation perspective and hear from the Anti-Poverty Network SA and their campaign work around welfare, social security, housing and lived experience.


Professor Ian Goodwin-Smith, Director, Centre for Social Impact, Flinders University

Kate Fox, Executive Officer, South Australian Financial Counsellors Association (SAFCA)

James Chapman, Chief Executive Officer, The Food Centre

Jasmin Witham (She/They), Anti-Poverty Network SA

Sara Walker, Anti-Poverty Network SA


A/Professor Zohra Lassi (HDA Co-Convenor), Robinson Research Institute and School of Public Health, University of Adelaide.


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