Healthy Development Adelaide forum

Join us for the Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA) and Wellbeing SA forum on Partnering for System Change in the Early Years – how can we better support children and families in South Australia?

Wednesday 27 September, 5.30–8.30 pm in the Napier G04 lecture theatre, Napier Building, Ground floor, University of Adelaide, North Terrace campus.

It is well known that the early years of life lay the foundations for future health and wellbeing. Positive health and wellbeing behaviours established across early childhood can have a lasting effect across the lifetime and can play a critical role in primary prevention. Partnerships are a strategic enabler for Wellbeing SA. To optimise the health, development and social outcomes of children, partnerships are essential in recognising the diversity of touchpoints and transition points that children and families encounter in the early years.

Tagged in healthy development adelaide, HDA, staff news, health, wellbeing