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AUSF Gala Dinner - Reconnecting Past Champions

AU GALA 2023

Join AU Sport for a night of festivities celebrating the rich history and Reconnecting Past Champions from the Adelaide University Sporting community. Friday 3 November, 6.30 pm - 11 pm. Jackson Square, 57 Manton St, Hindmarsh. Register.

[Read more about AUSF Gala Dinner - Reconnecting Past Champions]

Guitarathon 2023

Under the direction of Dr Oliver Fartach-Naini undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as up-and-coming students from the Elder Conservatorium’s Open Music Academy and the South Australian Youth Guitar Ensemble (SAYGE) will perform an eclectic programme of solo and chamber music in Elder Hall as part of this year’s Guitarathon. Sausages and Kay Brothers wines available to purchase. Sunday 5 November, 12–4 pm. Elder hall, North Terrace campus. 

[Read more about Guitarathon 2023]

UniSuper webcast

The Basics of Investing Your Super. Understanding how your super is invested can make a big difference to your balance when you retire. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you’re not a UniSuper member. Monday 6 November, 12.30 pm. Online. Register.

[Read more about UniSuper webcast]

Master of Wine Business Information Session

Join the upcoming information session to learn about immersing yourself in the wine world, thanks to our experienced teaching staff, professional partnerships, access to renowned wine experts, valuable industry connections, and hands-on learning experiences right in the heart of Australia's wine country. Monday 6 November, 6-8.30 pm. The Gallery Room, National Wine Centre. Register.

[Read more about Master of Wine Business Information Session]

Fay Gale Centre Lunchtime Seminar Series: Dr Teresa Baron

Justice for the womb: Research ethics and the quest for ectogenesis presented by Dr Teresa Baron. For many decades, bioethicists have considered how the artificial womb will impact society and what we should do with it when it arrives. In contrast, relatively little attention has been given to the research ethics of developing this technology. Tuesday 7 November, 12 pm. Napier G03 Lecture Theatre, Napier building, North Terrace campus and online.

[Read more about Fay Gale Centre Lunchtime Seminar Series: Dr Teresa Baron]

Cosmos Science City: Meet the Teacher

Associate Professor Edward Palmer from the School of Education at the University of Adelaide will speak about the use of technology in education, focusing on the use of virtual reality, storytelling and other creative approaches to teaching, all important in supporting self-sustaining human presences on other worlds. He will appear alongside education experts from UniSA, Flinders University and SAHMRI at this free lunchtime event.

[Read more about Cosmos Science City: Meet the Teacher]

Building healthy and respectful relationships webinar

Exploring what makes us different while discussing essential interpersonal skills which can help bridge the gap between people, improving communication and conflict resolution skills. Wednesday 8 November, 12.30–1.30 pm. Register.

[Read more about Building healthy and respectful relationships webinar]

Executive MBA Information Session

MBA info session

Join an upcoming information session to discover how completing an Executive MBA can advance your career and improve your future employment options. Wednesday 8 November, 6-8 pm. The Gallery room, National Wine Centre. Register

[Read more about Executive MBA Information Session]

Surrey Research Roundtable on AI and Cyber

Join the inaugural Adelaide-Surrey Research Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence and Cyber. Researchers will share their insights and expertise in 4-minute presentations following with an interactive Q&A session. Wednesday 8 November, 6.30–8.00 pm. Online. Register.

[Read more about Surrey Research Roundtable on AI and Cyber]

Theatre Guild's 85th Anniversary Party

Theatre Guild's 85th Anniversary Party

To celebrate the Theatre Guild's special anniversary season, friends and members past, present and future are invited to a cocktail party featuring guest speaker and Theatre Guild Life Member Peter Goers. Other highlights include an open bar, cake and door prizes. Saturday 11 November, 5–8 pm. Rumours Function Room, Level 6 Union House, North Terrace campus. Tickets.

[Read more about Theatre Guild's 85th Anniversary Party]

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