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ARC Centre of Excellence in Plants for Space Seminar

How food structure affects digestion and nutrient bioavailability. Dr Dupont is the Deputy Director of Science and Technology of Milk and Eggs at INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. In 2011, Dr Dupont established, and has since coordinated, the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action INFOGEST network on food digestion, which has grown to a major international research network.

[Read more about ARC Centre of Excellence in Plants for Space Seminar]

Adelaide German Week: Science, Business and Innovation Day

Hosted by the University of Adelaide and Flinders University, Adelaide German week brings together universities, industry and government to showcase existing innovative science and science-business collaborations between SA and Germany. Tuesday 21 November, 4.15-7 pm. Tonsley Theatre 1 and and MAB Town Square 4-6. More information.

[Read more about Adelaide German Week: Science, Business and Innovation Day]

Men's Health Breakfast

Hosted by Dr. Roger Sexton AM, Principal Patron, Freemasons Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing. Opening by the Hon Mark Butler MP Minister for Health and Aged Care. With Guest Speakers: Mr. Simon von Saldern (CEO, Healthy Male), Mr. Paul Flynn (CEO, The Hospital Research Foundation Group). Plated breakfast will be served. Wednesday 22 November, 7.30–9.00 am. Ian McLachlan Room, Adelaide Oval, War Memorial Drive North Adelaide. Register

[Read more about Men's Health Breakfast]

Commercialisation pathways for defence

This information session will discuss how you can turn your research or technology into a commercial application for defence. Wednesday 22 November, 11.30 am to 1.20 pm. Online

[Read more about Commercialisation pathways for defence]

7 Secrets to a healthy mind webinar

Join psychologist Laure Eyles from Healthy Minds for this free two-hour psychological skills training webinar, available to all staff. Wednesday 22 November, 12-2 pm. Online.

[Read more about 7 Secrets to a healthy mind webinar]

Porous boundaries forum

Showcasing the breadth of research undertaken in the School of Social Sciences, the forum will connect researchers with government, community organisations and industry to gain insight into how this research can enhance the broader world. Thursday 23 November, 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. Flentje lecture theatre, level 3, Barr Smith South. Register.

[Read more about Porous boundaries forum]

A Country Practice: Spotlight on rural and remote nursing

The Adelaide Nursing School Alumni Network is shining a spotlight on rural and remote nursing. Join guest speaker Lesley Salem AM, and our panelists, to discuss the joys and challenges of rural and remote nursing. Thursday 23 November, 5.30-7.15 pm. Joe Verco lecture theatre and foyer, AHMS building. Register.

[Read more about A Country Practice: Spotlight on rural and remote nursing]

Partnerships in Practice

Starting early for children in need

Supporting regional children, families and communities This forum outlines key collaborative projects in early intervention and supports, and shares the experiences and outcomes from the perspectives of children, families and providers. Thursday 23 November, 5.30–8.30 pm. Napier G04 lecture theatre, Napier Building, North Terrace campus. Register

[Read more about Partnerships in Practice]

Sustainability education workshop

Hosted by the Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources, the workshop will explore how we can integrate sustainability into our teaching pedagogies and practices. Friday 24 November, 9 am to 4 pm. Horace Lamb 420, North Terrace campus. Register

[Read more about Sustainability education workshop]

Towards Christmas

Christmas music

The Elder Conservatorium Chorale and Graduate Singers share the stage in an inspirational program of music for Advent and Christmas, and in celebration of life in general. Sunday 26 November, 2.25 pm. Elder Hall, North Terrace campus. Tickets.

[Read more about Towards Christmas]

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