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Adelaide Bass Day 2024

Adelaide Bass Day 2024

The Elder Conservatorium and the University of Adelaide are presenting a Double Bass Day, bringing together performers, teachers, students, luthiers and exhibitors from all over Australia. Sunday 28 April, 9 am to 6 pm. Elder Hall, North Terrace campus. Tickets.

[Read more about Adelaide Bass Day 2024]

String Quartet Extravaganza

Eight of Australia's best young string quartets perform works by Smetana, Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Shield and more. Sunday 28 April, 5-7 pm. Hartley Concert Room, Elder Conservatorium of Music, North Terrace campus. Tickets $20. 

[Read more about String Quartet Extravaganza]

Health Equity Reading Group

Dr Toby Freeman will present the article Illustrating the impact of commercial determinants of health on the global COVID-19 pandemic: Thematic analysis of 16 country case studies. Dr Julia Anaf will present the paper Civil Society Action against transnational corporations: implications for health promotion. Monday 29 April, 12–1 pm. Online. Register.

[Read more about Health Equity Reading Group]

Bridging the Gap: Strategies for Effective University-Industry Collaboration

This three-hour workshop will explore the critical success factors and best practices for fostering productive partnerships between universities and industry partners. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the key barriers and challenges that often hinder these partnerships and learn practical strategies for overcoming them. Monday 29 April, 1–4 pm. Level 7, 704/705 MBA Suite, Nexus 10 Building, North Terrace campus. Register.

[Read more about Bridging the Gap: Strategies for Effective University-Industry Collaboration]

UniSuper Webcast – Retirement Considerations

Join UniSuper for their interactive webcast to learn more about your retirement. Everyone is welcome, even if you are not a UniSuper member. Tuesday 30 April, 12.30 pm. Online

[Read more about UniSuper Webcast – Retirement Considerations]

Inspiring SA and National Science Week briefing

Inspiring SA and National Science Week Briefing

You're invited to a briefing about Inspiring SA and National Science Week grants and programs for 2024. Enjoy afternoon tea while you network with other science engagement and science communication specialists. Tuesday 30 April, 3.30–5 pm. South Australian Museum, North Terrace and online. Register.

[Read more about Inspiring SA and National Science Week briefing]

Girt by Sea: Re-Imagining Australia's Security

Girt by Sea

Join for the launch of Girt by Sea: Re-Imagining Australia’s Security (La Trobe University Press/Black Inc) by Professor Joanne Wallis (University of Adelaide) and Professor Rebecca Strating (La Trobe University). Tuesday 30 April, 5.30–7.30 pm. The Gallery room, National Wine Centre. Register.

[Read more about Girt by Sea: Re-Imagining Australia's Security]

Stories From The South: A Public Book Club

Collection of book covers

Booklovers are invited to join a new in-person discussion book club featuring a series of brilliant literary works that have emerged from what Adelaide’s resident Nobel Prize winner, J.M. Coetzee, describes as the “unique world” of the South.

[Read more about Stories From The South: A Public Book Club]

LGBTQ+ Victimization by Extremist Actors

Join us as Dr Jared Dmello discusses his research on how extremist groups target queer communities and the nexus of politics, gender and sexuality studies and security studies. Wednesday 1 May, 2–3 pm. Napier 108, North Terrace campus or via Zoom.

[Read more about LGBTQ+ Victimization by Extremist Actors]

APRU Food Security Webinar

The University is a member of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). Together with APRU, and the National Taiwan University, the University of Adelaide is co-hosting Session 2 of the APRU Food Security Webinar Series 2024, which aims to delve into regional technological advancements in the areas of precision agriculture and agritech solutions for prolonging food shelf life. Thursday 2 May, 10.30 am to 12 pm. Online.

[Read more about APRU Food Security Webinar]

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