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New Allied Health degrees add to Uni of Adelaide’s unrivalled health and medical education

Speech Pathology demonstration

The University of Adelaide will introduce a suite of Allied Health degrees to its educational line-up in 2021.

[Read more about New Allied Health degrees add to Uni of Adelaide’s unrivalled health and medical education]

Paving the way towards safer treatment for peanut allergies in children

Peanut allergy treatment can be safer with appropriate cotreatments

Co-treatments like antihistamines and probiotics make successful desensitisation treatment of peanut allergy in children via oral immunotherapy 10 percent more likely, researchers from the University of Adelaide have found.

[Read more about Paving the way towards safer treatment for peanut allergies in children]

Past climate safe havens now most vulnerable

Fish and map of Indo-Pacific

The profound threat of future climate change to biodiversity demands that scientists seek ever more effective ways to identify the most vulnerable species, communities, and ecosystems.

[Read more about Past climate safe havens now most vulnerable]

Fire Aid concert brings community to campus

Fire Aid 2020

Thousands of South Australians will today converge on the University of Adelaide for a good cause: the FIRE AID bushfire fundraising concert.

[Read more about Fire Aid concert brings community to campus]

Uni of Adelaide staff and graduates at forefront of Australia Day awards

Dr James Muecke

The University of Adelaide congratulates eye surgeon and blindness prevention pioneer Dr James Muecke, AM, for being named the Australian of the Year for 2020.

[Read more about Uni of Adelaide staff and graduates at forefront of Australia Day awards]

Nationwide diabetes study enters next stage

Professor Jenny Couper

The Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity (ENDIA) Study into the causes of type 1 diabetes has entered its next phase. 1500 children who have a first-degree relative with type 1 diabetes will be followed for three years from the pregnancy.

[Read more about Nationwide diabetes study enters next stage]

New evidence for protective role of Vitamin D in breast cancer in Pakistani women

Vitamin D supplements

A new study supports scientific literature that deficient levels of serum vitamin D may contribute to breast cancer and its correction may play a role in protection against breast cancer.

[Read more about New evidence for protective role of Vitamin D in breast cancer in Pakistani women]

Study results will inform immunisation programs globally

B Part of It study

The results of the B Part of It study – the largest meningococcal B herd immunity study ever conducted – are published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.

[Read more about Study results will inform immunisation programs globally]

University of Adelaide to open new campus in Melbourne

Kaplan students in Melbourne

Students interested in studying in Melbourne will now have the opportunity to receive a quality University of Adelaide education by studying at the University’s newest campus.

[Read more about University of Adelaide to open new campus in Melbourne]

eDNA techniques to transform subterranean environmental assessment

a subterranean crustacea

A new project is set to transform understanding of the impact of mining on Australian subterranean species.

[Read more about eDNA techniques to transform subterranean environmental assessment]