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$28.9M MRFF grant revolutionises lung function scanning

Students at the University of Adelaide's North Terrace campus

The Australian Lung Health Initiative - a joint venture between 4DMedical, the University of Adelaide and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) - has been granted $28.9 million in funding from the Australian Federal Government's Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Frontier Health and Medical Research initiative.

[Read more about $28.9M MRFF grant revolutionises lung function scanning]

Don’t focus on genetic diversity to save our species

rock wallaby image

Scientists at the University of Adelaide have challenged the common assumption that genetic diversity of a species is a key indicator of extinction risk. 

[Read more about Don’t focus on genetic diversity to save our species ]

Research lab to advance how humans interact and live with autonomous systems

Goodman cres

A new International Research Laboratory (IRL) being launched today will focus on humans-autonomous agents teaming: an area of research at the interface of artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering, technology, human factors and psychology.

[Read more about Research lab to advance how humans interact and live with autonomous systems]

Pills face harshest space test yet

MISSE Platform  on International Space Station

A batch of pills will be on its way into space where they will be placed on the outside of the International Space Station (ISS) to test how they withstand the full effects of zero gravity, extreme temperatures and some of the highest levels of radiation found beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.

[Read more about Pills face harshest space test yet]

Further action on cadmium needed for global food safety


An international group of leading fertiliser and soils experts have published a major review of the status of the toxic heavy metal cadmium in agricultural systems around the world.

[Read more about Further action on cadmium needed for global food safety]

Experts recognised for science excellence

Goodman cres

The work of members of the University of Adelaide community has been recognised at this year’s Science Excellence and Innovation Awards.

[Read more about Experts recognised for science excellence]

Uni of Adelaide Theatre Guild returns for 2021 season

Theatre Guild

The University of Adelaide Theatre Guild aims to prove to audiences that some of the best things in life really are worth waiting for, when The Guild returns in 2021.

[Read more about Uni of Adelaide Theatre Guild returns for 2021 season]

Natural insemination IVF is better for older women struggling with infertility


Natural insemination (IVF), the process where thousands of sperm are added to an egg in a culture dish to achieve fertilisation, is more likely to lead to a successful pregnancy for older women with infertility than Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) a new study from the University of Adelaide and Repromed has found.

[Read more about Natural insemination IVF is better for older women struggling with infertility ]

A brighter, greener future for industry

Industrial greening

Join one of Australia’s leading authorities on clean energy technology who will explain how heavy industry can reduce its pollutants so that global emissions targets can be met.

[Read more about A brighter, greener future for industry]

High CO2 to slow tropical fish move to cooler waters

A Moorish idol fish

A new study from the University of Adelaide shows that the ocean acidification predicted under continuing high CO2 emissions may make cooler, temperate waters less welcoming.

[Read more about High CO2 to slow tropical fish move to cooler waters]