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Green space or light at night – how do we improve health?

Green city

There is a growing body of evidence that exposure to green space is good for our health but a new study from the University of Adelaide has found that this may equally be due to how much light we are exposed to at night.

[Read more about Green space or light at night – how do we improve health?]

Statement from the University of Adelaide: Waite campus and Gatehouse

Waite Gatehouse

The University of Adelaide is pleased that the State Government has decided to take responsibility for relocating the Gatehouse.

[Read more about Statement from the University of Adelaide: Waite campus and Gatehouse]

Water market price rise myth-busting

Hume Dam (formally Hume Weir) is the main supply storage and one of the two major headwater storages for the River Murray system.

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have tested claims of water hoarding and speculative behaviour in Murray-Darling Basin water markets and found no evidence of hoarding, or a clear source of speculative behaviour, driving water price rises.

[Read more about Water market price rise myth-busting]

Lifetime of mathematical achievement recognised

Professor Mathai Varghese FAA

The University of Adelaide’s Professor Mathai Varghese FAA has been awarded the prestigious Hannan Medal by the Australian Academy of Science for his career-long outstanding contributions in the field of geometric analysis.

[Read more about Lifetime of mathematical achievement recognised]

Critical mass of talent and expertise

Professor Carl Spandler (right) and Professor Nigel Cook

Ongoing and secure supply of critical minerals is essential to the transition to a high-tech and clean energy world.

[Read more about Critical mass of talent and expertise ]

More than enough yard to have your lawn and eat too

Back yard in Adelaide's south west demonstrates having a lawn and growing a self-sustainable vegetable supply

Research led by the University of Adelaide has found in a case study of Adelaide properties, households would need to give up less than a quarter of their domestic lawn areas to grow enough vegetables to become self-sufficient.

[Read more about More than enough yard to have your lawn and eat too]

First ever remote sinus surgical training

Surgeons undertaking training at Hokkaido University

University of Adelaide experts have delivered the world’s first remote sinus surgical training to surgeons in Japan.

[Read more about First ever remote sinus surgical training]

COVID app tool accepted to prestigious software engineering conference

Tracing phone app

The COVIDGuardian tool, an automated security and privacy assessment tool that tests contact tracing apps for security weaknesses, has been accepted to the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2021.

[Read more about COVID app tool accepted to prestigious software engineering conference]

Uni of Adelaide’s cyber expertise rises to world’s top 100

Goodman cres

The University of Adelaide has scored another top 100 world university ranking – in Computer Science, a field critical to South Australia’s economic future.

[Read more about Uni of Adelaide’s cyber expertise rises to world’s top 100]

Experts’ recommendations become landmark law

Scales of Justice

With the successful passing of abortion legislation in the South Australian Parliament, the State’s abortion laws have been ‘brought into the 21st century’. Recommendations made by legal experts from the independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) based at the University of Adelaide’s Adelaide Law School, have led to historic changes to the law.

[Read more about Experts’ recommendations become landmark law]