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Global collaboration to secure Antarctica’s future

Change in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean is occurring rapidly, with significant implications for its landscapes, resources and influence on Australia.

The Federal Government has awarded $36 million to the ‘Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future’ (SAEF) research program, under the Australian Research Council’s Special Research Initiative for Excellence in Antarctic Science.

[Read more about Global collaboration to secure Antarctica’s future]

Welcome funding to support international students

International students

The University of Adelaide has welcomed today’s announcement by the South Australian Government of a $13.8 million support package for international students in hardship because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

[Read more about Welcome funding to support international students]

Partnership to revolutionise cancer diagnosis

Women working in science laboratory

The University of Adelaide has partnered with medical technology company Sienna Cancer Diagnostics in an exclusive worldwide licencing agreement to develop a unique cancer probe with the potential to detect a sugar molecule only present in cancer cells.

[Read more about Partnership to revolutionise cancer diagnosis]

Where people burnout most during COVID-19

woman burnt out - from Pixbay

Research is identifying the regions where working adults are more likely to burnout during the COVID-19 crisis: The key is the distance to the epicentre – but not how you might imagine.

The results have revealed that those who were the closest to the epicentre of the Coronavirus crisis were not the most burned out during the pandemic.

[Read more about Where people burnout most during COVID-19 ]

Make it fun, the learning will follow

Holidays activities image

Children’s University Australasia (CUA) is producing weekly challenges for kids as part of a Living in Lockdown educational series for families working and schooling from home.

[Read more about Make it fun, the learning will follow]

South Australian scientists band together to fight COVID-19

A team of South Australian scientists are joining forces in the fight against COVID-19 to greater inform the local, national and global response efforts, including the creation of a vaccine.

[Read more about South Australian scientists band together to fight COVID-19]

First study on the health conditions of adults one month into COVID-19 lockdown

A new study provides one of the earliest pieces of evidence that the COVID-19 outbreak affected people not only physically but also mentally. 

The preliminary results reveal adults in locations more affected by COVID-19 had lower physical health, mental health and life satisfaction. 

[Read more about First study on the health conditions of adults one month into COVID-19 lockdown]

Music Theatre performance must go on

Music Theatre students online performance

Music Theatre students at the University of Adelaide are adapting to online learning, performing together in class exercises from the ‘socially distant’ safety of their own homes.

[Read more about Music Theatre performance must go on ]

Uni of Adelaide scoops two national awards

University of Adelaide academics have been awarded two of the three 2020 Australian Council of Graduate Research awards for Excellence in Graduate Research Education.

[Read more about Uni of Adelaide scoops two national awards]

Face masks won’t help the healthy, but are useful in high risk settings

Mask image from Shutterstock

New recommendations relating to the wearing of face masks and respirators have been released by the University of Adelaide’s JBI, an international research organisation in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and other infections. The recommendations build on JBI’s COVID-19 Special Collection released last week.  

[Read more about Face masks won’t help the healthy, but are useful in high risk settings]