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Frail the focus of Future Fund

A University of Adelaide study investigating the benefits of mobile X-ray services for residential aged care facilities has received $1,970,000 in funding from the Medical Research Future Fund.
Uni of Adelaide seeks social histories of Holden

Historians at the University of Adelaide and Monash University are searching for former Holden employees to interview about their working experiences for an oral history project to be housed at the National Library of Australia.
[Read more about Uni of Adelaide seeks social histories of Holden]
Uni of Adelaide to support major arts events in 2020

The University of Adelaide’s commitment to the arts in South Australia will strengthen in 2020, with the University continuing its partnership with major arts events the Adelaide Festival, Adelaide Fringe and RCC.
[Read more about Uni of Adelaide to support major arts events in 2020]
Subject-Based Entry expands to all SA schools

Students at all South Australian secondary schools will now have an extra opportunity to study at the University of Adelaide, thanks to Subject-Based Entry into a range of degrees.
[Read more about Subject-Based Entry expands to all SA schools]
Local boost for agtech, food and wine start-ups

Start-up companies in agricultural technology, food and wine are being given a guiding hand with a new business incubator launched at the University of Adelaide’s Waite campus.
[Read more about Local boost for agtech, food and wine start-ups]
Uni of Adelaide MBA ranked top 2 in the nation

The University of Adelaide's highly regarded MBA program is now rated second of all business school MBAs in the nation, according to the latest The Australian Financial Review BOSS magazine rankings.
[Read more about Uni of Adelaide MBA ranked top 2 in the nation]
Rise in rankings brings new opportunities for University of Adelaide

The latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2020 have seen the University of Adelaide rise once again, now 120th in the world – and 7th in Australia.
[Read more about Rise in rankings brings new opportunities for University of Adelaide]
First frailty map highlights service need

An online interactive map, which shows for the first time where Australia’s frail and pre-frail people live today and in the future, will help plan services for healthy ageing.
Honorary doctorates awarded by University of Adelaide

The University of Adelaide will recognise the contributions to society of five eminent Australians at this week’s graduation ceremonies.
[Read more about Honorary doctorates awarded by University of Adelaide]
Trapping atoms to protect Australia's groundwater

A unique new facility launched today at the University of Adelaide will help protect Australia’s precious groundwater from overuse and contamination.
[Read more about Trapping atoms to protect Australia's groundwater]