University assists bushfire affected grape growers and winemakers

The University of Adelaide is offering assistance to wine producers affected by the bushfires in the Adelaide Hills.
The bushfires in the Adelaide Hills have caused loss of life, livelihood, homes, infrastructure, vineyards and farms over the last few days.
“We are offering grape growers and winemakers from the Adelaide Hills, who have been affected by the bushfires, the use of the winemaking facilities at the University’s Waite campus,” says Associate Professor Paul Grbin Head Winemaker, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine at the University of Adelaide’s Waite campus.
“Our thoughts and compassion go out to all who have been affected.
“When vintage comes around we can offer winemakers cold storage for small lots of grapes which would otherwise go to waste, and winemaking facilities to process fruit.”
The Waite campus has a long association with the Adelaide Hills with a large number of winemakers in the region having studied at the University.
“Our thoughts and compassion go out to all who have been affected."Associate Professor Paul Grbin
“Many stories have emerged particularly from the Adelaide Hills fires of University of Adelaide alumni who have been directly affected,” says Associate Professor Grbin.
“Many have suffered very significant and devastating effects. Growers and producers that we directly work with have experienced losses and destruction.
“While the emotional impact of these fires will continue well after they have been extinguished, we offer our facilities to winemakers affected by the bushfires as a way of giving back to the community.”
Winemakers from the Adelaide Hills, who have been affected by the bushfires, should contact Associate Professor Grbin on 0407 916 265 or to discuss how the University can help them.
Media Contacts:
Associate Professor Paul Grbin
Head Winemaker
School of Agriculture
Food and Wine
The University of Adelaide.
Mobile: +61 (0)407 916 265
Crispin Savage
Senior Communications and Media Officer
The University of Adelaide
Mobile: +61 (0)481 912 465