Could a machine be better than your doctor?

A machine learning-led revolution is underway. It is changing the way we communicate, work, shop and drive. Machine learning is also revolutionising medicine, altering forever the way we understand, build evidence on, and are able to respond to, health problems.
Through its remarkable capacity to quickly and accurately interpret vast amounts of complex medical data, machine learning is taking health care to an entirely new level. It is speeding and improving diagnosis, enhancing treatment outcomes and lowering costs.
Our state—and the University of Adelaide in particular—is a machine-learning world leader. And in this special series-opening Research Tuesdays forum, three of our leading researchers will discuss some of our most fascinating and important work in the field.
The Presenters
Professor Anton van den Hengel directs the University of Adelaide’s Australian Institute for Machine Learning and is an Australian Centre of Excellence in Robotic Vision chief investigator. He has authored over 300 publications, had eight patents commercialised, and won numerous awards, including the 2017 SA Science Excellence Award for Research Collaboration.
Professor Emma Baker leads the University of Adelaide’s Healthy Cities Research Group. Her work is focused on both academic, as well as policy-relevant research. She leads a number of national and international projects that bring together data, technology and research, including the construction of a national housing conditions data-set, an investigation of the application of Machine Learning to social data, and an assessment of the cumulative influence of multiple housing problems on health and well being.
Dr Johan Verjans is Deputy Director of Medical Machine Learning at the University of Adelaide’s Australian Institute for Machine Learning, and an associate investigator in the University-based Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Nanoscale Biophotonics. He is also a cardiologist with the Royal Adelaide Hospital and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.
WHAT: Research Tuesdays: Could a machine be better than your doctor?
WHERE: The Braggs Lecture Theatre, University of Adelaide, North Terrace
WHEN: 5.30–7 pm, Tuesday 11 February 2020
COST: Free event.
Media Contact:
Professor Anton van den Hengel
Director, Australian Institute for Machine Learning
The University of Adelaide
Mobile: +61 (0)414 268 662
Crispin Savage
Senior Media and Communications Officer
The University of Adelaide
Mobile: +61 (0)481 912 465