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Microsoft joins forces with Australian Institute for Machine Learning to soar into space

Microsoft has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Australian Institute for Machine Learning, to jointly explore how advanced cloud computing, AI, computer vision and machine learning can be applied in space, beyond Earth’s surface.
Research aims to improve youth mental health services

New research will focus on designing more responsive service models to manage the demand for South Australia’s youth mental health services.
[Read more about Research aims to improve youth mental health services]
Five Uni of Adelaide researchers awarded Tall Poppies

Five University of Adelaide researchers have won 2021 South Australian Young Tall Poppy Science Awards.
[Read more about Five Uni of Adelaide researchers awarded Tall Poppies]
Ecowarriors required to make award-winning videos

High school students have the opportunity to be named the University of Adelaide Young Scientist of the Year and win themselves cash prizes by making a short video about an environmental problem or solution.
[Read more about Ecowarriors required to make award-winning videos]
History in the making at Adelaide University Cricket Club

Adelaide University Sport and Fitness (AUSF) and the Adelaide University Cricket Club (AUCC) are excited to announce that AUCC has been accepted into the SACA Women’s 1st Grade competition for the 2021/2022 season.
[Read more about History in the making at Adelaide University Cricket Club]
Echidna conservation science initiative a finalist in Eureka Awards

The University of Adelaide’s Echidna Conservation Science Initiative (EchidnaCSI) is a finalist in the Australian Museum’s 2021 Eureka Prizes.
[Read more about Echidna conservation science initiative a finalist in Eureka Awards ]
Reputation boost for Uni of Adelaide in latest world university rankings

A boost in reputation for outstanding teaching and learning and world-class research has seen the University of Adelaide climb to 111 in the latest world university rankings.
[Read more about Reputation boost for Uni of Adelaide in latest world university rankings]
World-class facility to help achieve a renewable and sustainable future

A sustainable and cleaner future for society depends on the next generation of advanced materials. In a new facility scientists at the University of Adelaide will develop materials which will help to achieve those goals for South Australia and the nation.
[Read more about World-class facility to help achieve a renewable and sustainable future]
Durum breeding to grow in commercial sector

Durum Breeding Australia (DBA) has announced that Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd (AGT) has been awarded the licence to take the durum breeding program forward.
[Read more about Durum breeding to grow in commercial sector]