Five big ticks for quality at Adelaide Business School

Business students at the University of Adelaide will benefit from a real-world, business-like quality culture, with the Adelaide Business School being the first of its kind in Australia to be awarded ISO 9001 Certification.
ISO 9001 is a quality management standard applied by businesses all around the world, combining management principles such as a strong customer focus, leadership, evidence-based decision making, and continual improvement.
The University’s Adelaide Business School has been awarded ISO 9001 Certification for the provision of tertiary education services. As a result, the School is now entitled to use the distinctive 5 Ticks Standards Mark Certification, widely recognised by businesses and customers around the world.
“Achieving ISO 9001 Certification is about demonstrating to our students and partners that we are serious about quality teaching and learning, and we are serious about reflecting the very highest standards acceptable within the world of business,” says Professor Noel Lindsay, Dean of Business, and Pro Vice Chancellor – Entrepreneurship at the University of Adelaide.
“Having a certified quality assurance approach will improve the ‘customer experience’ of our students. They will see a consistency to their teaching and learning, to their assessment, and to their learning outcomes right across our Business School.
“The certification also commits us to continual improvement, which means we will regularly put ourselves to the test with a focus on improving our student outcomes even further.
“Ultimately, this is about seeing an overarching and strong culture of quality being applied to the Adelaide Business School. We want students to know that when they go out into the world of business, they’ve already been immersed in a quality culture – they have seen it in action – and they’re able to take that thinking with them into the workplace,” Professor Lindsay says.
“We want students to know that when they go out into the world of business, they’ve already been immersed in a quality culture”Professor Noel Lindsay
Professor Lindsay says the ISO 9001 Certification delivers on part of the Adelaide Business School’s strategic plan, which is founded on the concept of “Organisational renewal through the pursuit for quality”.
“Our work on quality certification also builds on our Business School’s other unique educational proposition, which is founded upon entrepreneurship and innovation,” Professor Lindsay says.
In addition to ISO 9001, the University’s Adelaide Business School has 11 other quality accreditations, including the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation.
Media Contact:
Professor Noel Lindsay, Dean of Business, Adelaide Business School, and Pro Vice Chancellor – Entrepreneurship, The University of Adelaide
Mobile: +61 (0)428 842 024,
David Ellis, Interim Director – Media and Corporate Relations The University of Adelaide
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762,