Industry lead appointed HILT CRC CEO

HILT CEO Ms Felicity Lloyd
Ms Felicity Lloyd has been appointed as the new CEO of the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition Cooperative Research Centre (HiLT CRC).
Ms Lloyd is currently National Business Improvement and Sustainability Manager for Adbri, a Core Partner in the HILT CRC.
Australia’s leading companies in the heavy industrial sector have embarked on a program that will enable a step-change in the rate at which they transition toward zero net-carbon emissions through the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition Cooperative Research Centre (HILT CRC).
The University of Adelaide’s Professor Gus Nathan led the bid for the HILT CRC. The CRC was awarded $39 million in cash support over 10 years from the Australian Government to unlock more than $175 million investment from its partners which are located around the country, and fund the leading collaborative venture between heavy industry, government and researchers, who will accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.
Ms Lloyd currently serves as Industry Lead for Program 2 in the CRC. She is a chemical engineer and graduate of the University of Adelaide and has been involved in the University’s Centre for Energy Technology.
A recruitment firm was engaged to assist with the recruitment of the CEO, and the position was advertised. A selection panel established by the HILT CRC interviewed applicants and determined Ms Lloyd to be the most outstanding candidate.
Felicity will commence as the HILT CRC CEO in December 2021.
Crispin Savage, Senior Communications and Media Officer, The University of Adelaide. Mobile: +61 (0)481 912 465, Email: