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Greater COVID-19 consultation needed to avoid economic losses

hotel room

The University of Adelaide’s SA Centre for Economic Studies (SACES) is urging the State Government to consider a more consultative approach with industry in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid the disruption and losses by the hotel sector.

[Read more about Greater COVID-19 consultation needed to avoid economic losses]

University of Adelaide appoints Professor Peter Høj as Vice-Chancellor

Professor Peter Høj AC

The University of Adelaide today announced it has appointed Professor Peter Høj AC as its new Vice-Chancellor and President for a five-year term, to commence on 8 February 2021.

[Read more about University of Adelaide appoints Professor Peter Høj as Vice-Chancellor]

Virtual careers precinct sparks student interest

Virtual Careers Precinct

Avatars and gaming will help guide students through education pathways into industry in a new virtual careers precinct. It will encourage students into STEM and help them discover more opportunities as part of the workforce of the future.

[Read more about Virtual careers precinct sparks student interest]

Sia Furler Institute appoints its first Artist-in-Residence

Jon Lemon in mixing booth

One of the world’s leading live-sound music engineers has become the first Artist-in Residence at the University of Adelaide’s Sia Furler Institute of Contemporary Music and Media.

[Read more about Sia Furler Institute appoints its first Artist-in-Residence]

Uni of Adelaide student named Young Australian of the Year

Isobel Marshall

The University of Adelaide congratulates social entrepreneur and University of Adelaide medical student Isobel Marshall for being named Young Australian of the Year for 2021.

[Read more about Uni of Adelaide student named Young Australian of the Year]

Fish sex organs boosted under high-CO2

Triplefin fish near underwater vent

Research from the University of Adelaide has found that some species of fish will have higher reproductive capacity because of larger sex organs, under the more acidic oceans of the future.

[Read more about Fish sex organs boosted under high-CO2]

Clamping down on abuse of Powers of Attorney

Signing a legal document

The independent South Australian Law Reform Institute (SALRI) based at the University of Adelaide is recommending changes to South Australian law and practice regarding Powers of Attorney.

[Read more about Clamping down on abuse of Powers of Attorney]

New discovery in breast cancer treatment

breast cancer research diagram

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have found new evidence about the positive role of androgens in breast cancer treatment with immediate implications for women with estrogen receptor-driven metastatic disease.

[Read more about New discovery in breast cancer treatment]

Robotics students face final challenge

NASA Robotics  Challenge team

A team of undergraduate and honours students from the University of Adelaide has been selected to go through to the final stage of the NASA Space Robotics Challenge. They are the only Australian team to have made it through to the final.

[Read more about Robotics students face final challenge ]

Statement from the University of Adelaide: Waite campus and Gatehouse

Waite campus

Statement in response to comments by the State Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.

[Read more about Statement from the University of Adelaide: Waite campus and Gatehouse]

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