Universities forge closer connections

The University of Adelaide’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement) Dr Jessica Gallagher (centre) with Dr. Ross Lewin, Associate Vice President for International Affairs, University of Maryland (fourth from left) and colleagues at the University of Maryland.
The University of Adelaide and the University of Maryland are developing closer connections to promote joint academic and scientific activities.
In July, senior executives from the two universities met at the University of Maryland to sign a memorandum of understanding to establish ongoing mutually beneficial collaborative research projects.
The University of Adelaide’s Dr Jessica Gallagher, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement) and Professor Michael Webb, Executive Director, Defence and Security Institute met with Dr. Ross Lewin, Associate Vice President for International Affairs, and colleagues from the University of Maryland.
Opportunities for cooperation will focus on defence as well as research in areas such as energy, quantum technology, entrepreneurship and Indigenous engagement.
As part of the agreement researchers will undertake exchanges in which they will share their expertise face-to-face at each other’s institution. Short- and long-term visits will include research, teaching, and seminar presentations.
Both institutions, which are high in global university rankings, have a long history of excellence in defence research.
The visit to the University of Maryland is part of the University of Adelaide’s broader engagement with partners from both the US and the United Kingdom to advance joint AUKUS objectives.
The Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS), based at the University of Maryland College Park, was established in 2018 under the sponsorship of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security.
The University of Adelaide’s Defence and Security Institute plays a key role in the capabilities essential to Australia’s defence, security, and prosperity.
Advanced capabilities in the defence sphere will be the focus for mutual cooperation.
Both universities are at the forefront of developing the research capabilities and skilled workforce that will underpin the AUKUS program which was announced in March 2023.
The AUKUS program will provide Australia with a conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarine capability at the earliest possible date.
Quotes attributable to:
Dr Jessica Gallagher, Deputy Vice Chancellor (External Engagement), University of Adelaide
We are excited to be aligned with the University of Maryland on several key strategic areas, including security and defence.
Given the strong historical ties and growing significance of the Australia and US relationship in this area, we aim to extend our existing relationship in order to build even greater expertise in this field.
Professor Michael Webb, Director, Defence and Security Institute, University of Adelaide
This agreement is an important step in our two universities collaborating to achieve the AUKUS objective of joint advanced military capabilities and furthering our collective approach in working with government, industry and academia.
Closer connections between the University of Adelaide and the University of Maryland offer significant opportunities to share expertise in AI, quantum technologies and cyber capabilities and to build on our existing strengths in these fields.
We will continue to work collaboratively with our US partners to further develop innovative ways to promote security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.
Dr. Ross Lewin, Associate Vice President for International Affairs, University of Maryland
The University of Maryland has enjoyed a long-standing partnership on Defense, Intelligence, and Security with the University of Adelaide, and we look forward to expanding our research and teaching collaboration related to climate change, social justice, entrepreneurship, and robotics, all with an eye towards making a positive impact on the world.
Media contacts
Crispin Savage, Manager, Media and News, The University of Adelaide. Mobile: +61(0)481 912 465. Email: crispin.savage@adelaide.edu.au