Law alumni win prestigious international fellowships

Adelaide Law School alumni Flynn Wells, Azaara Peraketh and Christian Andreotti have been awarded Fellowships from the Law Foundation of South Australia.
Three of the University of Adelaide’s brightest young law graduates are heading overseas on prestigious fellowships that will see them further their studies and broaden their career horizons.
Adelaide Law School alumni Flynn Wells, Azaara Peraketh and Christian Andreotti have been awarded Fellowships from the Law Foundation of South Australia.
The University of Adelaide’s Professor Judith McNamara, Dean of Law at the Adelaide Law School, congratulated the winners.
“This a remarkable achievement is a testament to the world-class education provided by the Adelaide Law School,” said Professor McNamara.
“The foundation of excellence laid by our institution has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in preparing them for this remarkable journey towards further knowledge and professional success.”
The Law Foundation of South Australia provides Fellowships to university graduates who have been accepted for postgraduate study at prestigious tertiary institutions overseas.
The 2022 Fellowships have been awarded to three Adelaide Law School alumni.
- Flyn Wells graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Hons) from the University of Adelaide in 2021.
Mr Wells recently completed a Master of Laws at Yale Law School in the United States, as part of his Law Foundation of South Australia Fellowship. At Yale, he studied constitutional law and legal theory, with a particular focus on applications of those areas of study within the migration setting.
Mr Wells will return to the University of Adelaide as a Sessional Tutor to teach public law and evidence, before commencing as associate to the Hon Justice Stephen Gageler AC of the High Court of Australia. - Azaara Perakath graduated from the University of Adelaide as Valedictorian in 2018, with a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Hons) and Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance). Ms Perakath is currently a solicitor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (SA).
As part of her Fellowship, Ms Perakath will undertake a Master of Laws at the London School of Economics, where she will analyse emerging issues at the intersection of criminal, public law and equity. She will explore major trends in criminal justice policy, against broader notions of the dynamic between state and citizen. - Christian Andreotti graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Hons) and a Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) from the University of Adelaide in 2020.
Mr Andreotti will take up the Fellowship at the University of Cambridge where he will study for a Master of Law (LLM), focusing on the process whereby legal rights are framed and understood by reference to the structures, principles and values of a sovereign constitution. He intends to take courses in public law, criminal justice and human rights, and legal history.
The Law Foundation of South Australia, established in 1985, promotes legal research in law reform, provides education and delivers legal services to the South Australian community.
The Law Foundation of South Australia has offered Fellowships since 1994.
Media contacts
Poppy Nwosu, Media Officer, the University of Adelaide. Phone: 08 8313 2532. Email: