Experts available to comment on Olympics topics

Paris 2024 begins this week, and the University of Adelaide has a knowledgeable team of experts who have trained their brains to be in prime form to provide expert comment on a range of sports- and Olympics-related topics.

Runner crouching on track

Photo credit: Braden Collum.

With podium-worthy perspectives on flame pyrotechnics, cycling aerodynamics, football boot design, concussion, pain, contract law, and French history and culture, our academics can help your program or publication reach for gold.



Dr John Baranoff
Lecturer, School of Psychology
Area of expertise: Transitions and retirement (effects on sleep and mental health), injury and pain. Former Senior Performance Psychologist with the AIS. Attended two Olympics and now works with some Paralympic athletes.
Phone: 8313 3764
Researcher profile


Professor Peng Bi
Professor of Public Health Medicine, School of Public Health
Area of expertise: Extreme heat and health.
Phone: 0432 348 698
Researcher profile


Associate Professor Lyndsey Collins-Praino
Head, Cognition, Ageing and Neurodegenerative Disease Laboratory (CANDL), School of Biomedicine
Area of expertise: Concussion and traumatic brain injury (both acute consequences and long-term implications); neurodegenerative disease (e.g. dementia, Parkinson’s disease); neuroscience – cognition, motor function and motivation.
Phone: 0423 248 604
Availability: Flexible
Researcher profile


Dr Frances Corrigan
Associate Professor, School of Biomedicine
Area of expertise: Concussion/traumatic brain injury.
Phone: 0413 398 417
Availability: Mon–Fri 9-5
Researcher profile


Dr Rutger de Zoete
Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy, School of Allied Health Science and Practice
Area of expertise: Neck pain (and exercise), musculoskeletal physiotherapy, chronic pain.
Phone: 0432 218 486
Availability: Mon–Friday
Researcher profile


Cameron Dickson
Lecturer in Physiotherapy, School of Allied Health Science and Practice
Area of expertise: Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, chronic pain.
Phone: 0415 668 462
Availability: Mon–Friday
Researcher profile


Dr Mark Giancaspro
Senior Lecturer and Legal Practitioner, Adelaide Law School
Area of expertise: Contract Law, Consumer Law, Sports Law, Digital Assets and Smart Contracts.
Phone: (08) 8313 0879 or 0438 871 267
Availability: Flexible, consult or interview by appointment
Researcher profile


Cara Gleeson
Lecturer in Physiotherapy, School of Allied Health Science and Practice
Area of expertise: Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sports medicine (including elite athletes/performers).
Phone: 0401 073 838
Availability: Mon–Friday


Associate Professor Paul Grimshaw
Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (also Professor of Allied Health & Human Performance with UniSA)

Area of expertise: Biomechanics, Sports Performance and Sports Equipment and Injury prevention.
Phone: +974 50137094 (Qatar number)
Availability: I am seven hours behind Australia time but any working day time is fine.
Researcher profile


Joshua Haselgrove
Higher Degree by Research candidate, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Area of expertise: Cycling aerodynamics.
Phone: 0458 400 193
Availability: 8am–6pm Monday–Friday
Researcher profile


Associate Professor Richard Kelso
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Area of expertise:
1. Sports Aerodynamics, including cycling aerodynamics, ball sports, and any sports affected by aerodynamics.
2. Sports Hydrodynamics, focusing on swimming and some aspects of paddling, rowing and sailing.
3. Olympic torches, cauldrons and flame effects. Played a central role in the design of the flame systems for the Sydney and Athens Olympic Games.
Phone: 0408 773 414
Availability: 24/7
Researcher profile


Danyon Loud
PhD candidate, School of Mechanical Engineering
Area of expertise: Football boot design
Phone: 0400 307 311
Availability: Monday–Friday 7am-4pm
Researcher profile


Associate Professor Ben McCann
Associate professor of French Studies, School of Humanities
Area of expertise: French culture, history, sport, film.
Phone: 0423 103 493
Availability: Office hours, or during the weekend.
Researcher profile


Professor John West-Sooby
Emeritus Professor of French Studies, School of Humanities
Area of expertise: History of France/Paris.
Phone: 0458 609 292
Availability: most days/times
Researcher profile

Tagged in featured story, Paris 2024, Olympics, sport