News: Ancient DNA

Ancient DNA uncovers dingo’s hidden heritage

Dingo jaw. Credit: Sally Wasef

A landmark collaborative study co-led by the University of Adelaide and QUT has revealed the distribution of modern dingoes across Australia pre-dates European colonisation and interventions like the dingo-proof fence.

[Read more about Ancient DNA uncovers dingo’s hidden heritage ]

Ancient DNA reveals Down syndrome in past human societies

Remains of individual “CRU001”, who the researchers discovered had Down syndrome

By analysing ancient DNA, an international team of researchers have uncovered cases of chromosomal disorders, including what could be the first case of Edwards syndrome ever identified from prehistoric remains.

[Read more about Ancient DNA reveals Down syndrome in past human societies ]

Solving the disappearance of bears and lions with ancient DNA

Grizzly bear

An international team of researchers led by the University of Adelaide, suggest a change in climate is the likely cause of the mysterious disappearance of ancient lions and bears from parts of North America for a thousand years or more prior to the last Ice Age.

[Read more about Solving the disappearance of bears and lions with ancient DNA]

Humans hastened the extinction of the woolly mammoth


New research shows that humans had a significant role in the extinction of woolly mammoths in Eurasia, occurring thousands of years later than previously thought.

[Read more about Humans hastened the extinction of the woolly mammoth]

Ancient DNA reveals secrets of Game of Thrones wolves

An artists impression of dire wolves feeding on a bison and fending off grey wolves

Extinct dire wolves split off from other wolves nearly six million years ago and were only a distant relative of today’s wolves, according to new research published in Nature today.

[Read more about Ancient DNA reveals secrets of Game of Thrones wolves]

Ancient DNA paints genetic portrait of Andes civilisations

Image of Machu Picchu from Pixabay

An international team of researchers including the University of Adelaide, has completed the first large-scale study of DNA belonging to ancient humans of the central Andes in South America and found early genetic differences between groups of nearby regions, and surprising genetic continuity over thousands of years.

[Read more about Ancient DNA paints genetic portrait of Andes civilisations]

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