News: exercise
Teaching older dogs new tricks for a longer life

Keeping the mind active as we age is often recommended to ward off or improve symptoms of dementia in people, but can the same advice also be put into practice for pet dogs as they enter their twilight years?
[Read more about Teaching older dogs new tricks for a longer life]
Exercise habits in youth create better health outcomes for some

Forming a long-term recreational exercise habit as a young person has a beneficial impact on physical and mental health later in life, but some groups, such as females and academic high-achievers, miss out on these benefits disproportionately.
[Read more about Exercise habits in youth create better health outcomes for some]
Study reveals winning combination for sports-related shoulder injuries

Starting a robust exercise program sooner after surgery could prevent patients with dislocated shoulders from sustaining a repeat injury and help them return to sport faster.
[Read more about Study reveals winning combination for sports-related shoulder injuries]