News: health

Biomedical engineer’s innovative excellence acknowledged

Associate Professor Jiawen Li at IPAS

University of Adelaide Associate Professor Jiawen Li has been awarded a prestigious global award by tech giant Sony and scientific publishing company Nature, for her work in biomedical engineering.

[Read more about Biomedical engineer’s innovative excellence acknowledged]

Experts available for holiday season 2024-2025

Students at the University of Adelaide's North Terrace campus

Over the summer holiday season, the following University of Adelaide researchers are happy to be approached for comment on their areas of expertise. The list has been organised into broad subject areas. Please see individual names to check each expert's availability.

[Read more about Experts available for holiday season 2024-2025]

Microscopy at the tip of a hair-thin optical fibre

Projection of beams through fibre

Researchers at the University of Adelaide, as part of an international team, have developed an approach that makes advanced microscopy possible through an optical fibre thinner than a human hair.

[Read more about Microscopy at the tip of a hair-thin optical fibre]

Funding to explore genetic markers for heart disorders

Students walk around the North Terrace campus.

University of Adelaide’s Dr Jessica Marathe has received a $75,000 grant to research possible genetic causes of under-diagnosed cardiovascular conditions.

[Read more about Funding to explore genetic markers for heart disorders ]

Assessing what makes a reasonable decision with AI

Two health professionals look over results

As the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) grows in our world, the University of Adelaide is exploring the role that technology can play in the health sphere, particularly in clinical decision-making and explanations.

[Read more about Assessing what makes a reasonable decision with AI]

New guidelines set to change the way we diagnose type 1 diabetes

Stock image of doctor administering insulin to a child with diabetes

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) diagnoses could soon be transformed with newly released guidance developed with input from a University of Adelaide expert, outlining how to detect and monitor early-stage T1D before the point of symptom onset.

[Read more about New guidelines set to change the way we diagnose type 1 diabetes]

Limits to access emergency pill

Emergency contraceptive pill

The accessibility of first-line oral emergency contraceptives in Australian community pharmacies is problematic – with a national survey finding almost one-third reporting they do not stock the ulipristal acetate pill that has been recommended by medical authorities.

[Read more about Limits to access emergency pill]

MoU reaffirms cooperation on health and AI

University of Adelaide and Aurecon Group sign a MoU

The University of Adelaide and Aurecon Group have marked a significant milestone in their relationship, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

[Read more about MoU reaffirms cooperation on health and AI]

Specialist scanning needed to help endo patients

Photo of a women in a white and black stripe top holding a red hot water bottle over her abdomen while lying on a grey couch.

A review of existing research shows there is a growing benefit to using specialist scanning to diagnose endometriosis.

[Read more about Specialist scanning needed to help endo patients]

Pregnant women given incentives to quit smoking

Stock image of pregnant woman with doctor.

Pregnant women will receive financial incentives and support to help them quit one of the most highly addictive habits, smoking cigarettes.

[Read more about Pregnant women given incentives to quit smoking ]

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