Using 360° Video To Enable Affective Learning in Nursing Education

Smiling nursing student

The following text is drawn directly from ‘Using 360° Video to Enable Affective Learning in Nursing Education’ published in the Journal of Nursing Education (Vol. 59, No. 7, 2020) with permission from the author.

Experiential or clinical placement in the operating room can be a wonderful experience for students from a range of health professionals, such as medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, and para-medicine. However, this experience comes with its own set of unique challenges. The vulnerable patient, the sterile and almost alien environment, a raft of similarly dressed and seemingly task-focused professionals speaking in a language of unique acronyms conspire to make the room an uncertain and often uninviting place to the uninitiated. The guiding principle of operating rooms – to not contaminate anything that is sterile – can leave students much more focused on where to stand and what not to touch, rather than learning about the very real, person-orientated intervention taking place.

Affective learning forms one of three domains of learning identified in revised forms of Bloom’s taxonomy. The three domains of learning refer to: psychomotor, cognitive, and affective. Psychomotor and cognitive domains represent skills and knowledge, and the affective domain describes the components of learning that consider feelings, emotions, and attitudes.

Conceptualising the way affective learning can be delivered and assessed has been a challenging issue for some time. Technology, such as 360° video used in VR (virtual reality) format, can provide a deeply immersive, reproducible, consistent, and scaffolded approach to affective learning. 360° cameras can be an engaging and fun activity for educators when utilised with careful scripting and a well-defined set of learning outcomes to guide production.

You can hear more about 360° video to enable affective learning from a recent podcast featuring Associate Professor Frank Donnelly.


Using 360° Video to Enable Affective Learning in Nursing Education Frank Donnelly, PhD, RN; Paul McLiesh, MNurs, RN; Sally-Anne Bessell, MCN (Crit Care), RN. Journal of Nursing Education. 2020;59(7):409-412

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