Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy


The University recognises the importance of monitoring the academic progress of students to ensure that students who are experiencing difficulties are identified as early as possible and offered the various advice, assistance and support services that are available at the University.

This policy describes the ways in which the University identifies students who are not making satisfactory academic progress and therefore considered at risk by the University. It outlines the measures that the University will implement to assist them to improve their performance and sets out the process by which the University will address ongoing unsatisfactory progress.

Scope and Application

This policy applies to all students enrolled in undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs at the University of Adelaide and Ngee Ann-Adelaide Education Centre.



means the Faculty Academic Progress Committee as described in clause 10


means a student's course results but does not include the results of any additional or replacement assessments taken pursuant to the Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment Policy

Review Period 1

means the University teaching periods currently known as Summer School, Semester 1, Trimester 1, Quadmester 1, Quadmester 2, Term 1, Term 2

Review Period 2

means the University teaching periods currently known as Winter School, Semester 2, Trimester 2, Trimester 3, Quadmester 3, Quadmester 4, Term 3, Term 4, Full Year 2

Review Period 3

means the year long period used for a Yearly Program which concludes after the annual examination

Review Period

means Review Period 1 and/or Review Period 2 and/or Review Period 3


means a student's academic progress status as set out in clause 2a

Yearly Program

means programs offered by the University in which progression in the program is dependent on the student successfully completing an annual examination in which a full year's learning is assessed, including the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH) programs

Other definitions are as contained in the University's Glossary of Terms.

1. Determining and Monitoring Academic Progress

a) A student has not made satisfactory academic progress and is therefore considered at risk if:

i. during Review Period 1 or Review Period 2 they have not passed more than 50% of the units in which they were enrolled in a program; or

ii. fail the same course for a second or subsequent time; or

iii. they are enrolled in a Yearly Program and fail to pass their annual examination.

b) The University will review students' Results at the end of each Review Period in order to identify those students who have not made satisfactory academic progress.

c) Students identified as not making satisfactory academic progress will be notified in accordance with clause 3 unless they are enrolled in a Yearly program in which case they will be notified in accordance with clause 4.

d) When reviewing Results the University will not take into account any courses in which the student received a Withdraw No Fail (WNF) grade and, for the purposes of this policy, the University will treat any course in which the student received a WNF grade as if the Student had never enrolled in that course

2. Academic Progress Status

a) The University has six categories of academic progress status:

i. New;

ii. Satisfactory;

iii. Risk 1;

iv. Risk 2;

v. Unsatisfactory; and

vi. Conditional.

b) Students commencing a program at the University will have their Status recorded as New.

c) Continuing students will have their Status recorded as Satisfactory only if they are not identified as being at risk pursuant to clause 1a and their Status in the previous Review Period was New or Satisfactory (subject to Clause 9).

3. Students Identified as at Risk

Note: This clause only relates to students who are identified as not making academic progress in Review Period 1 or Review Period 2. Students identified as not making satisfactory progress in a Yearly Program are subject to clause 4.

a) The first time a student is identified as not making satisfactory academic progress their Status will be changed to Risk 1 and they will be sent a Risk 1 notice through their University email account informing them:

i. that they have not met academic progress requirements;

ii. of the services available to assist them to improve their future academic performance;

iii. that they are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor; and

iv. that they are required to complete a self-reflective survey to assist them to identify issues that may be affecting their academic performance and to help identify where improvements and changes can be made.

b) The second time the student is identified as not making satisfactory academic progress their Status will be changed to Risk 2 and they will be sent a Risk 2 notice to their University email account informing them:

i. that they have not met academic progress requirements for a second time;

ii. of the services available to assist them to improve their future academic performance;

iii. that they are required to complete a second self-reflective survey to help identify issues that may be affecting their academic performance, and to help identify where improvements and change can be made;

iv. that they will be required to describe what actions they have taken to improve their performance since the Risk 1 notice was issued and detail any progress made; and

v. that the Executive Dean (or delegate) has appointed an academic advisor to discuss intervention strategies which may assist them in their future academic performance.

c) The third time the student is identified as not making satisfactory academic progress their Status will be changed to Unsatisfactory. They will be sent an Intention to Exclude notice through their University email account informing them that they will be excluded from their program unless they are able to 'show cause' in accordance with clause 6.

4. Yearly Program Students Identified as at Risk

a) The first time a student enrolled in a Yearly Program is identified as not making satisfactory academic progress their Status will be changed to Risk 1 and they will be sent a Risk 1 notice through their University email account informing them:

i. that they have not met academic progress requirements;

ii. of the services available to assist them to improve their future academic performance;

iii. that they are required to complete a self-reflective survey to assist them to identify issues that may be affecting their academic performance and to help identify where improvements and changes can be made; and

iv. that the Executive Dean (or delegate) has appointed an academic advisor to discuss intervention strategies which may assist them in their future academic performance.

b) The second time the student is identified as not making satisfactory academic progress their Status will be changed to Unsatisfactory. They will be sent an Intention to Exclude notice through their University email account informing them they will be excluded from their program unless they are able to 'show cause' in accordance with clause 6.

Note: The Risk 2 Status is not applied to students enrolled in a Yearly Program.

5. Intervention Strategies

a) Intervention strategies that may be proposed by an academic advisor pursuant to clause 3.b.v and 4.a.iv include but are not limited to:

i. negotiating a personal learning management plan;

ii. a reduction in course load;

iii. counselling; and

iv. referral to an academic learning support service.

b) Any intervention strategy applied under this policy will be documented and retained in the University's records.

c) If a student is enrolled in a double, combined or concurrent degree the Executive Dean (or delegate) of the faculty which is notified of the student's Risk 2 Status (or Risk 1 Status for students enrolled in a Yearly Program) shall ensure that the Executive Dean of the second degree is notified of the student's Risk Status, in order that an appropriate academic advisor can be appointed and appropriate intervention strategies put in place. The faculties shall work collaboratively when implementing intervention strategies for students in double combined or concurrent degrees.

6. Show Cause

a) Students issued with an Intention to Exclude notice will be invited to 'show cause' to the Committee as to why they should be permitted to remain enrolled in their program. Students wishing to 'show cause' must provide a written submission within 10 business days of the date of the Intention to Exclude notice.

b) Students may request to discuss their written submission in person with the Committee. If the Committee agrees to the request, students may be accompanied by a support person who must not act as a legal representative. If the student is unable to attend in person the Chair of the Committee may at their discretion, permit the student to discuss their submission via video conference or other communication media.

c) The written submission should, at a minimum, contain the following information:

i. the reasons why the student failed to make satisfactory academic progress, including any relevant documentary evidence (which must be an original or certified copy);

ii. the actions that the student has taken as a result of receiving each Risk Notice(s), including evidence of following any intervention strategy that has been put in place;

iii. the actions that the student intends to take in the future to ensure satisfactory academic progress is achieved; and

iv. whether the student would like to discuss their submission with the Committee in person.

d) Students who do not provide their written submission in the required timeframe will be excluded in accordance with clause 8 with immediate effect.

e) The Committee will make a recommendation to the Executive Dean on whether the student should be permitted to re-enrol, based on whether they believe the student is likely to be identified as not making satisfactory academic progress in the next Review Period in which they enrol. The Committee may take into consideration the student's show cause submission, entire academic record, engagement with and response to the intervention strategies applied under this policy and services made available to them and any other documentation, records or evidence provided by the student or held by the University.

f) The Executive Dean (or delegate) will make a decision on whether the student will be permitted to re-enrol in their program based on the Committee's recommendation. The Executive Dean (or delegate) may:

i. permit the student to re-enrol, subject to the condition that the student achieves either a Pass in all courses in which they enrol in the next Review Period or, in the case of students enrolled in a Yearly Program, that they achieve a pass in the subsequent annual examination. The Executive Dean (or delegate) may also:

* impose additional conditions requiring the student to enrol in a specified course or courses; and/or

* advise the student of additional strategies to assist them in improving their performance including but not limited to attending an academic learning support service; restricting their enrolment to less than a full-time load; and/or

* impose a period of suspension for a maximum of 12 months;

ii. exclude the student.

g) The Executive Dean (or delegate) will advise the student of their decision within 5 business days of the Committee meeting through the student's University email account.

7. Conditional Re-enrolment

a) If the student is permitted to re-enrol in their program pursuant to clause 6.f.i their Status will be changed from Unsatisfactory to Conditional.

b) The student will be notified of the conditions imposed on their re-enrolment and any recommendations made by the Executive Dean (or delegate) through their University email account. The student will be informed that compliance with the conditions will be monitored by the Executive Dean (or delegate) and that any breach will result in the student's automatic exclusion in accordance with clause 8.

c) The Executive Dean (or delegate) will review the student's compliance with the conditions imposed on their re-enrolment. If the student has met the conditions their Status will be changed from Conditional to Risk 2, or in the case of students enrolled in a Yearly Program to Risk 1. If the student has not met the conditions their Status will be changed to Unsatisfactory and the student will be excluded in accordance with clause 8 with immediate effect.

8. Exclusion

a) A student will be excluded from their program if:

i. they fail to lodge a show cause submission by the required date;

ii. after considering the student's show cause submission the Executive Dean (or delegate) believes that the student is likely to not make satisfactory academic progress in the next Review Period in which they enrol; or

iii. the Executive Dean (or delegate) determines that they have not complied with the conditions imposed on their enrolment pursuant to clause 7.

b) Excluded students will receive an Exclusion notice to their University email account and by Registered Mail informing them that:

i. they have been excluded from their program;

ii. applications for admission to a University program at the same level or higher level will not be considered for a period of 12 months from the date of the Exclusion notice.

iii. they have a right to appeal the exclusion within 20 business days in accordance with the University's Student Grievance Resolution Process on the sole ground that there has been non-compliance with this policy which amounted to a serious defect in the Executive Dean's (or delegate's) decision. This will be the only and final appeal within the University. All other decisions of a Faculty Executive Dean under this policy are final and students cannot appeal against them.

c) Students who are excluded from a double degree, concurrent or combined degree program may apply to transfer to the relevant single degree program provided that they made satisfactory progress in that single degree program in the most recent Review Period. If permitted to transfer to the single program, the student's Status will be changed from Unsatisfactory to Risk 1.

d) Excluded students may apply for re-admission to the University at the end of their exclusion period following normal admission procedures. Admission is not guaranteed and the University will take the student's exclusion into account in the admission process.

9. Change of Status (including Transfer of Programs and Return to Study)

a) A student's Status will be changed from Risk 1 to Satisfactory if they receive a Risk 1 Status in their first Review Period enrolled in their program and then go on to make satisfactory academic progress in the next Review Period in which they are enrolled. This does not apply to students enrolled in a Yearly Program.

b) If a student transfers between programs their Status at the time of transfer will remain if in the opinion of the Executive Dean (or delegate) of the program that they are transferring to, the new program is cognate to the original program. If the new program is not deemed to be cognate to the original program the student shall be given a New Status.

c) The Executive Dean shall report the names of all programs that they have deemed to be cognate to the Quality Enhancement Committee at the next meeting following their decision.

d) In the event that a student stops studying at the University (including any interruption of study or withdrawal) their Status will remain for a period of 5 years from the end of their last enrolment. If they recommence study after 5 consecutive years of absence they will be given a New Status, and any courses that they have previously failed will not be taken into account when determining whether they are at risk in accordance with clause 1.

10. Faculty Academic Progress Committee

a) Each Executive Dean will establish a Faculty Academic Progress Committee with the following minimum composition:

i. Faculty Deputy Dean Learning and Teaching/ Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) or delegate as Chair;

ii. at least one other faculty academic staff member;

iii. at least one professional staff member; and

iv. a Faculty Officer as Executive Officer.

b) Committee members will:

i. apply an open, impartial and unprejudiced mind when considering show cause submissions;

ii. base findings and recommendations solely on relevant considerations;

iii. maintain confidentiality about all matters before the Committee;

iv. not be involved in a case or have any involvement in the finding and recommendation of a case before the Committee if they have a personal relationship with the student or direct or indirect financial or personal interest in that case, or who otherwise have a conflict of interest in the case even if they do not believe that their interest would affect their duties; and

v. act in accord with the principles of procedural fairness.

c) Each Committee will:

i. meet at least once in each Review Period at least 10 business days after the Intention to Exclude notices are sent;

ii. consult with Committees in other faculties where students who have submitted show cause submissions are enrolled in a double, concurrent or combined degree or where the student has failed the same course for the second or subsequent time, and that course is owned by the other faculty.

Date uploaded 30 May 2016

This document is a component of Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy

Policy Control Information

RMO File No. 2018/11531
Policy custodian Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)
Responsible policy officer Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Learning)
Endorsed by Academic Board
Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President
Related Policies Please visit the Academic Policy Resources website: for additional information and materials, such as guidelines, FAQs and templates, to assist areas of the University understand and implement academic policies.
Superceded Policies Unsatisfactory Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy
Effective from 22 July 2024
Review Date 21 July 2027
Contact for queries about the policy Educational Policy & Compliance:

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