Behaviour and Conduct Policy


The University of Adelaide aims to encourage a working environment of respect, transparency and integrity through appropriate behaviour and conduct and through compliance with relevant legislation.

Scope and Application

This Policy applies to all staff and titleholders at the University of Adelaide and persons who have entered into a relationship with the University involving working for, with or at the University, including volunteers, contractors and consultants, i.e. members of the University community, for the purposes of the Policy.

This Policy sets out the behaviour and conduct standards expected of members of the University community whilst on University grounds or engaged in University-related activities. These behavioural standards are in addition to any professional code of conduct that may apply to a particular profession or arising from membership of a professional organisation.

This Policy is intended to operate in conjunction with the University of Adelaide's Code of Conduct, Enterprise Agreement (as amended), related policies, procedures, consultancy or services contracts, and the relevant legislation.

Policy Principles

The University aims to encourage a working environment of respect, transparency and integrity through the following principles:

1. Members of the University community may reasonably expect to pursue their work and study in a fair, safe, productive and positive working environment.

2. Members of the University community will maintain a high standard of behaviour and conduct themselves with courtesy, fairness and professionalism when dealing with their colleagues, students and members of the public.

3. University community will demonstrate that their primary commitment of time and intellectual energy is to the University's research, teaching and enabling activities.

4. The University will not tolerate or condone any form of unlawful unfair treatment including harassment, bullying, vilification, racial vilification and racist behaviour, sexual harassment, discrimination, victimisation, intimidating behaviour or violence.

5. The University strongly encourages members of the University community to report instances of unlawful unfair treatment and aims to take all reasonable and practicable steps to protect people who make such reports from any detrimental action or reprisals.

6. Members of the University community will avoid, disclose and manage conflicts of interest.

7. Members of the University community will only accept or offer gifts in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Procedure.

8. Members of the University community will maintain confidentiality in the course of, or in connection with their engagement with the University.

9. Members of the University's academic and professional staff will only engage in the outside practice of a discipline (academic staff) or outside work (professional staff) in accordance with the relevant procedures.

10. Members of the University community will not commit the University to a third party, whether an individual or organisation, by their verbal representations on any matter or create the impression that their verbal representations or actions represent the University's views unless they have obtained prior approval.

11. Members of the University community will comply with relevant State and Commonwealth legislation, the University of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement (as amended), the Code of Conduct and related policies and procedures.

12. Where the conduct of a member of the University community does not meet the standards stipulated in this policy and the related procedures, the University may take disciplinary action in accordance the University of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement (as amended), relevant policies, procedures or consultancy or services contracts.



Authority Category


Delegation Holder



Conflicts of Interest

Remove from a University committee a person, who is not a Council member, who fails or refuses to comply with the Conflicts of Interest Procedure.

Vice-Chancellor and President


Conflicts of Interest

Determination of what action is to be taken following the declaration of a potential conflict of interest in relation to work undertaken by a researcher.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)

Human Resources

Outside Earnings

Approval (or revocation) of engagement in outside earnings activities by professional staff.

Vice-Chancellor and President

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)

Vice-President (Services and Resources)

Executive Dean

Human Resources

Practice of a Discipline Outside the University

Permission for receipt of fee for teaching, acting in a consulting capacity for another School/Branch of the University or acceptance of fees for private coaching of students of the University, otherwise than as a tutor in one of the affiliated Residential Colleges of the University.

Vice-Chancellor and President or nominee

Human Resources

Practice of a Discipline Outside the University

Approval to engage in the external practice of a discipline - up to 52 days in a calendar year.

Head of School/Branch

Chief Executive Officer, Adelaide to Outback GP Training Program

Human Resources

Practice of a Discipline Outside the University

Approval to engage in the external practice of a discipline - greater than 52 days in a calendar year.

Vice-Chancellor and President

Human Resources

Speaking on behalf of the University

Convey or publish the University's views to individuals or external organisations.

Vice-Chancellor and President

Not transferable


1. Fair Treatment Procedure

2. Conflict of Interest Procedure

3. Practice of a Discipline Outside the University by Academic Staff Procedure

4. Outside Work Procedure (Professional Staff)


Refer to the University Policy and Procedures: Glossary of Terms.

Date uploaded 7 November 2014

This document is a component of Behaviour and Conduct Policy

Policy Control Information

RMO File No. 2020/1607
Policy custodian Chief Operating Officer
Responsible policy officer Executive Director, Human Resources
Endorsed by Vice-Chancellors Executive
Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President
Related Policies Recruitment Policy

Remuneration and Employment Benefits Policy

Staff Development, Performance and Promotion Policy

Workforce Management Policy

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying

Responsible Conduct of Research Policy

University of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement (as amended)

Code of Conduct

By-Laws of the University of Adelaide

Statutes of the University of Adelaide

Information Sheet: Staff Complaints Procedure

Media Guidelines:

Related legislation Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth)

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)

Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA)

Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth)

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)

Racial Vilification Act 1996 (SA)

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)

Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)

Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA)

Superceded Policies Complaints by Staff Policy and Guidelines

Fair Treatment Policy and Guidelines

Conflict of Interest Policy and Guidelines

Close Personal Relationships Policy

Academic Staff Involved with Outside Organisations

Work Outside the University (Professional Staff) Policy

Rules Relating to the Practice of a Discipline by Academic Staff

Effective from 30 March 2023
Review Date 29 March 2026
Contact for queries about the policy HR Service Centre on (08) 8313 1111 or email

Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.