Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship Policy


This Policy relates to Commonwealth Government funding provided to the University of Adelaide to support Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships.

Scope and Application

This Policy, associated procedures and Conditions of Award apply to Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships at the University of Adelaide. It applies to all prospective domestic and international applicants for, or recipients of, an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. Staff of the University who administer Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships are required to abide by this Policy, associated procedures and Conditions of Award.


For the purposes of this Policy, the terms below have the following meanings:

University refers to the University of Adelaide.

RTS refers to the previous Commonwealth Government Research Training Scheme funding which expired with effect from 1 January 2017.

IPRS refers to Commonwealth Government-funded International Postgraduate Research Scholarships which expired with effect from 1 January 2017.

APA refers to Australian Postgraduate Awards which were funded by the Commonwealth Government and expired with effect from 1 January 2017.

Commonwealth Guidelines means Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017 under the Higher Education Support Act 2003. The full Guidelines can be accessed at:

Research Training Program (RTP) is a Commonwealth Government-funded program which provides block grants to the University on a yearly basis, to support domestic and international students undertaking a Higher Degree by Research program. Support is provided in the form of scholarships for RTP Stipends, RTP Fees Offsets and RTP Allowances.

Policy Principles and procedures

1. In accordance with the Commonwealth Guidelines, candidates for Australian Government RTP Scholarships will be selected by the University of Adelaide through a competitive process.

2. Requirements for admission to research programs are outlined in the Admissions to Research Programs Policy. Information on how to apply for admission and scholarship, eligibility, selection and offer procedures is available on the Adelaide Graduate Centre website:

3. From 1 January 2017 continuing students who were supported by the previous RTS, IPRS or APA awards will be transitioned to an Australian Government RTP Scholarship without being disadvantaged. Support provided by the Australian Government RTP Scholarship will be, at least, equivalent to that provided under the previous Commonwealth Government funding. RTS and IPRS supported students will be transitioned to an Australian Government RTP Fees Offset Scholarship and APA recipients will be transferred to an Australian Government RTP Stipend Scholarship. The Conditions of Award for continuing students are available to recipients on the Adelaide Graduate Centre website at:

4. Individual Conditions of Award for Australian Government RTP Fees Offset Scholarships and RTP Stipend Scholarships, outlining the support available, stipend rates and periods of support as well as provisions for paid and unpaid leave, undertaking work outside of the research program, arrangements for any industry placements, research internships, professional practice or other enrichment activities, will be maintained and reviewed by the University in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Guidelines. The Conditions of Award will be made available to the recipients via the Adelaide Graduate Centre website at:

5. When a candidate transfers from another tertiary provider, the University will not take over the payments of an Australian Government RTP Scholarship awarded by the former institution. The candidate will be required to apply for an Australian Government RTP Scholarship at the University, and will be considered on the basis of the University selection criteria for all other RTP applicants.

6. When a candidate in receipt of an Australian Government RTP Scholarship converts from a Research Masters to a Research Doctorate or from a Research Doctorate to a Research Masters degree, changes their field of study, or changes candidature from full-time to half-time or half-time to full-time, the Australian Government RTP Scholarship will be adjusted in accordance with the procedures set out in the individual Conditions of Award for Australian Government RTP Fees Offset Scholarships or RTP Stipend Scholarships, and the provisions outlined in the Research Student Handbook available at:

7. Candidates who are awarded an Australian Government RTP Scholarship are subject to the requirements of all University policies, academic program rules as well as candidature, supervision and scholarship provisions and facilities documented in the Research Student Handbook. The University will monitor academic progress and may suspend or terminate an Australian Government RTP Scholarship if a candidate is in breach of any of the requirements.

8. Candidates who want to appeal decisions relating to termination of an Australian Government RTP Scholarship, may do so under the University's Student Grievance Resolution Process, details of which are available in the Research Student Handbook and at

Delegations of Authority


Authority Category


Delegation Holder




Approve Postgraduate Research Training Program Scholarship Requirements

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Operations)

On recommendation of the Research Education and Development Committee, acting on behalf of Academic Board



Assessment and ranking applications for Research Training Program scholarships by Order of Merit

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Operations) on the advice of the Graduate Scholarships Committee

As appointed by the Research Education and Development Committee, acting on behalf of Academic Board



Approve the Final Order of Merit List

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)



Assess individual applications for Research Training Program Scholarship to ensure requirements are satisfied.

Manager Admissions and Scholarships

Date uploaded 10 July 2017

Policy Control Information

RMO File No. 2017/5037
Policy custodian Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)
Responsible policy officer Pro Vice-Chancellor (Researcher Education and Development) and Dean of Graduate Studies
Endorsed by Academic Board
Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President
Related Policies Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017:

Admissions to Research Programs Policy:

Research Student Handbook:

Student Grievance Resolution:

Research Scholarship Conditions of Award:

Effective from 2 February 2021
Review Date 1 February 2027
Contact for queries about the policy Director, Adelaide Graduate Research School

Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.