Adelaide Policy Framework
The University of Adelaide governs the organisation through Government legislation, University statutes, policies and guidelines. The University of Adelaide's Policy Framework is the operational structure for the developing, implementing, reviewing and maintaining the University's policies and procedures in a consistent format. The elements of the Adelaide Policy Framework are as follows: Policy Framework Structure; Policy Directory; Policy Development, Review and Revision; Roles and Responsibilities; and Assistance.
Related Procedures, Forms
Title Version Adelaide Policy Framework D2022/65580 Stage One Proposal D2020/36974 Policy Template D2016/125883 Checklist D2016/37220 Communication and Implementation Plan D2017/15077 Policy Pathways D2018/178348 -
Administration, Approval and Review
RMO File No. 2012/13910 Responsible policy officer Director, Governance Services Approved by University Council on 28 May 2018 Effective from 28 May 2018 Review Date 27 May 2026 Contact for queries about the policy Contact the Council Secretariat
Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.
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