Acknowledgement of the Kaurna People and their Land at Significant University Events Policy
The Adelaide Plains of South Australia are home to the Kaurna Aboriginal people. The Kaurna people lived on this land for over 60,000 years and were made up of independent groups living within their own lands but who came together for trade, social, ceremonial and religious reasons. They lived in a narrow corridor along the eastern shore of Gulf St Vincent: Cape Jervis to Port Wakefield; inland to near Crystal Brook, Snowtown, Blyth, Hoyleton, Hamley Bridge, Clarendon, Gawler, and Myponga; from the east side of the Hummock Range to Red Hill. Inland the Jultiwira or stringy bark forests of the Mount Lofty Ranges marked their boundary.
The University of Adelaide Reconciliation Action Plan (Yangadlitya - For the Future) recognises the Kaurna (pronounced 'Garna') people as the traditional land owners/custodians of the Adelaide
Re-affirmed without amendments by Vice-Chancellor and President, 5 December 2014.
Re-affirmed without amendments by Acting Vice-Chancellor and President, 21 December 2017.
Re-affirmed with minor amendments by Vice-Chancellor and President, 11 May 2021.
Re-affirmed without amendments by Vice-Chancellor and President, 31 January 2024.
Related Procedures, Forms
Administration, Approval and Review
RMO File No. 2004/2201 Policy custodian Vice-Chancellor and President Responsible policy officer Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) tel: 8313 3140. Endorsed by Vice-Chancellors Executive on 8 September 2004 Approved by University Council on 25 October 2004 Effective from 31 January 2024 Review Date 31 January 2027 Contact for queries about the policy Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) tel: 8313 3140.
Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.
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