A History of the Psychology Schools at Adelaide’s Universities

Edited by Tony Winefield and Ted Nettelbeck
FREE | 2016 | Ebook (PDF) | 978-1-925261-37-0 | 218 pp
This book commemorates the history of the psychology schools in Adelaide’s three Universities: The University of Adelaide, Flinders University and the University of South Australia. Its publication in 2016 coincides with their 60th, 50th and 25th birthdays respectively. Their core activities comprise undergraduate teaching, postgraduate research training, research and postgraduate professional training.
Commemorative activities, including this book, provide a link between our present day and the past, and help to explain the evolution of our institutions. They provide an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of each of our academic institutions, and of the individuals within them.
Psychology at Adelaide’s Universities has occupied a distinctive position within the state, and the documentation of its unique history is an important step in its official chronicle.