Mechanisms of Vascular Disease

A Reference Book for Vascular Specialists
edited by Robert Fitridge and Matthew Thompson
FREE | 2011 | Ebook (pdf) | 978-1-922064-00-4 | 587 pp
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New updated edition first published with Cambridge University Press. This new edition includes 29 chapters on topics as diverse as pathophysiology of atherosclerosis, vascular haemodynamics, haemostasis, thrombophilia and post-amputation pain syndromes.
Chapter 1: Endothelium
Chapter 2: Vascular smooth muscle structure and function
Chapter 3: Atherosclerosis
Chapter 4: Mechanisms of plaque rupture
Chapter 5: Current and emerging therapies in atheroprotection
Chapter 6: Molecular approaches to revascularisation in peripheral vascular disease
Chapter 7: Biology of restenosis and targets for intervention
Chapter 8: Vascular arterial haemodynamics
Chapter 9: Physiological haemostasis
Chapter 10: Hypercoagulable states
Chapter 11: Platelets in the pathogenesis of vascular disease and their role as a therapeutic target
Chapter 12: Pathogenesis of aortic aneurysms
Chapter 13: Pharmacological treatment of aneurysms
Chapter 14: Aortic dissection and connective tissue disorders
Chapter 15: Biomarkers in vascular disease
Chapter 16: Pathophysiology and principles of management of vasculitis and Raynaud’s phenomenon
Chapter 17: SIRS, sepsis and multiorgan failure
Chapter 18: Pathophysiology of reperfusion injury
Chapter 19: Compartment syndrome
Chapter 20: Pathophysiology of pain
Chapter 21: Postamputation pain
Chapter 22: Treatment of neuropathic pain
Chapter 23: Principles of wound healing
Chapter 24: Pathophysiology and principles of varicose veins
Chapter 25: Chronic venous insufficiency and leg ulceration: Principles and vascular biology
Chapter 26: Pathophysiology and principles of management of the diabetic foot
Chapter 27: Lymphoedema – Principles, genetics and pathophysiology
Chapter 28: Graft materials past and future
Chapter 29: Pathophysiology of vascular graft infections
About the authors
Robert Fitridge is Professor of Vascular Surgery at the University of Adelaide.
Matthew Thompson is Professor of Vascular Surgery at St George’s Hospital Medical School in London.