The Wages Crisis in Australia

Wages Crisis cover

What it is and what to do about it

edited by Andrew Stewart, Jim Stanford and Tess Hardy


FREE | 2018 | Ebook (PDF) | 978-1-925261-83-7 | 360 pp


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The print edition is available from Federation Press. Please direct print edition inquiries to Federation Press

The persistence of weak wages growth in Australia, at a time when the state of the economy might suggest much better outcomes for workers, has baffled policy makers.

Andrew Stewart, Jim Stanford and Tess Hardy have drawn together expert analysts from business, universities, think tanks, community organisations and trade unions to answer four pressing questions: What is the wages crisis? Why is it happening? Why does it matter? And what should we do about it?

Written in non-technical terms for a general audience, the essays in this book offer many insights into one of Australia’s most pressing economic and social issues. They highlight the key point that wage stagnation is a problem with multiple causes and dimensions. It will not fix itself, but will need decisive policy action. In their conclusion, the editors set out their own views of what that might be.